How to beat your post-holiday blues

How to beat your post-holiday blues
Userlevel 8

Let’s face it, sometimes you get back from holiday and feel like you need another one. As soon as you’re back to the commute on a rainy old Monday morning, it can seem like you’ve never been away.

So, we’ve put together a few hints and tips, together with helpful links and apps, to help you beat those post-holiday blues and arrive at work with a positive attitude. And, if you haven’t been away yet, read on, a little pre-holiday planning can make it much easier when you get back to reality.

1. Get organised

After a long, lazy holiday, that alarm on your first morning back can be tough. So, make things easy on yourself with a little planning the night before. Choose what you’re going to wear, get your bag ready for work, find your security pass, etc.

And make to-do lists of what needs to be prioritised on the first day or week. There are some great apps, like Evernote Wunderlist or Trello that can help you with this kind of prep and planning.

If you haven’t been away yet, you can get organised right now with our holiday checklist. We’re really jealous of you!

2. Make time for yourself

Don’t rush headlong into the pile of work waiting for you. Pace yourself and make sure you take regular breaks to give yourself a chance to take stock and remain calm.

Be sure to take proper lunch breaks away from your desk and, if possible, leave the office for a breath of fresh air, just to keep things in perspective. You were on the beach this time last week, after all.

If you need a little help to stay calm, take a look at de-stressing apps like Calm or Headspace and remember, you’re not in this alone.

3. Now hear this!

Stay positive and inspired by listening to some motivational podcasts like Ted Talks or some Spotify motivational playlists on your way to work. Better still, put together your own playlist of your fave inspirational, upbeat tunes as the soundtrack to your commute. And why not treat yourself to some new headphones while you’re at it?

After a holiday, your overall productivity increases, so keep yourself motivated and be prepared for pats on the back from your colleagues.

4. Read all about it…

Load up your tablet or Kindle with some inspirational reads for your commute to work or for a quick motivator on your lunch break. Check out the best eBook readers here or download an eBook reader app to your smartphone or tablet.

There are loads to choose from like Kindle, Kobo, Serial Box, Google Play Books and many more. And a whole world of eBooks out there just waiting to be discovered.

5. Stay active and eat well

You’re bound to be tired coming back to work after a relaxing holiday, especially if you’ve had a long journey home through different time zones. The importance of eating well and staying hydrated to keep yourself focused and concentrated at work cannot be over-emphasised.

Check out healthy eating apps and sites like Better Health Better Families and MyFitnessPal and, for a little exercise motivation, check out: Map My WalkRunkeeper or Fitbit.

6. Keep your holiday going

A great holiday is all about great experiences, and that can be a delicious dish you’ve eaten or a favourite activity. And just because you’ve got back home, doesn’t mean you have to leave those experiences behind.

Had an amazing Italian meal in Rome? Check to see if there are any great Italian places in your area. Or maybe you can use a takeaway app to have it delivered to your door. Loved rock climbing in Thailand? Maybe an indoor climbing wall will scratch that itch.

7. It’s good to talk

Take time to check in with your colleagues and get up to speed on what you missed while you were away. Catch-up with a friend over coffee and chat about your holiday. Simply talking to someone and having a laugh can help improve your first day back.


Giveaway Time:

To be in with a chance of winning, we want to know what your favourite book or podcast to wind down to is and why. Whether it's true crime podcasts, fantasy books or something else that helps you relax we want to know!

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101 replies

Userlevel 1

Alan Partridge: From The Oasthouse has me laughing like a drain! No better way to unwind than with a few big laughs!

Userlevel 1

Has to be the Harry Potter 🧙🏻 I’ve read it so many times I know all the words off by heart but puts me into a state of relax

Userlevel 1

Recently discovered an author called Robert Pobi and his Lucas Page series. If you enjoy well written crime thrillers which are very, very hard to detect the whodunnit then you’ll enjoy these. Very hard to put down once you start reading.

Userlevel 1

A good fantasy book relaxes me . My favorite author at the moment is Holly Black.

I really enjoy The Jaocobite Chronicles by Julia Brannan. A bit like Outlander, in that it’s set to the background of the Jacobite uprising in the 1740s, but without the time travel element, and an easier read. The main series has six books, starting with Mask of Duplicity and then there are spin-off books telling the backstories of various characters.

Unfortunately it’s only available (in ebook form) in Kindle format after the first book, and my e-reader is a Kobo so I’ve had to use the Kindle app on my phone to read the rest of the series.

I'm really loving reading the Dune series of books at the moment after being inspired watching the movie last year! I'm now onto the fourth book in the series and absolutely loving it!

Love a good romance book….Jill Mansell is my favourite author, she just keeps my interest from the first word to the very last. Head over Heels is my favourite so far.

Userlevel 1

I love any podcasts relating to True Crime!

For me it has to be Wizard and Glass, from Stephen King's Dark Tower series. The whole series is a good collection but my favourite has to be the riddling contest with blane the train in Wizard and Glass.

I had forgotten about Blaine! Loved the Dark Tower series, no spoilers for anyone who hasn’t read it but what did you think of the ending?

I like to unwind on the sofa in the evening with a Lee Child Jack Reacher book or audio book Lee goes into lots of minute details to drag you into the book

Userlevel 1

I love Cathy Glass books, she’s such an inspirational woman.

A classic return to book for me is `One flew over the cuckoo`s nest` by Ken Kesey, it has laughter, crying - every extreme emotion each turn of the page - a must read book for sure   

I really enjoy the Socially Distanced Sports Bar podcast - very funny, including a lot of tangents away from sport! On my Kindle app my favourite book (that I've read a few times) is The Time Traveller's Wife - superb, a must-read.

Jeremy Clarkson’s latest book.

Userlevel 2

My favourite book is Lord of the Rings. I’ve re-read it sooo many times it’s the equivalent of comfort eating!

Anything by Phillippa Gregory especially the Tudor series they  show life with a womans voice and  perspective, although the dialoge is not from recorded text it gives a real feel and flavour of the the times and the history. Truely addictive reading. 


I love reading most things - a variety of genres and authors. I’m currently reading The Seven Sisters series by Lucinda Riley. They are glamorous stories but also make you think about the way you view things in general. I also really enjoyed reading Ghost by Robert Harris. It had an unexpected twist at the end.

Userlevel 1

My favourite podcast is Dr Rangan Chatterjee’s ‘Feel better. Live more’. He interviews scientists, fellow health professionals and other inspirational personalities with a view to improving our physical and mental health. I can’t count the number of useful hints and tips I’ve picked up from these podcasts and in my view, there’s something for everyone.

Userlevel 1

All time favourite books are the Harry Potter collection!

I love reading thriller and crime fiction. I’m just about to finish Thirteen Storeys by Jonathan Sims and then will be reading The IT Girl by Ruth Ware!

Userlevel 1

You may have seen the film or even read the books but if you want the real experience you must listen to The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, a BBC Radio Four series. It was the original and is by far the best. A humorous look at the universe in a way you would never have imagined. The BBC Radio 4 adaptation of Lord of the Rings is excellent too.

Userlevel 1

I’ve been reading Dune which has actually been a great escape from the world of work! It can be quite heavy so it’s slow progress but enjoying it a lot.

I enjoy reading the disney twisted tale books, I love the fact that I can get most in a book!

I am currently reading Unbirthday, the Alice in Wonderland twisted tale.

I like to read my book on my work lunch break to relax and escape from my computer

To wind down after a busy day, there is no better way than to get immersed in the descriptive power of Robert McFarlane.  Currently reading ‘The Wild Places’ and ‘The Old Ways’, and being inspired by his bewitching walks on the last remaining wildness of Britain and Ireland. His ability to transport you from the windswept cliffs of Cape Wrath, to the peaceful spirituality of the forgotten Holloways, is pure poetry.   I feel as I am with him, travelling ancient paths on land and sea, experiencing the haunting magic of what is perhaps the last of the wilderness we will ever know.

I do not have a favourite author, I like reading any books which, are paper turners from the first to last page.  
