
Roaming Charge Clarification.

  • 22 June 2022
  • 3 replies

Userlevel 1

I have checked the details for roaming in the EU and I am a little confused. As an example, I will be going to Germany, the relevant page states that my usage will come out of allowance, but also has a list of charges below this.


To clarify, if I, for example, go to Germany and use 100mb of data, will I simply use 100mb from my allowance with no extra cost, or will I also receive a charge of £1 on my bill (as the page states a charge of £0.01 per mb for roaming).

Thanks in advance for any help.


Best answer by andewhite 22 June 2022, 16:51

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Userlevel 8
Badge +9

Using your example, if you use 100MB of data in Germany and there’s 100MB left in your plan allowance for the given billing period, then there’s no extra cost.

If there isn’t 100MB left in your allowance, you’ll be charged at the given rate for any data over and above your plan’s allowance.

There’s also a fair use policy for roaming in the EU, which in effect means your plan’s data allowance is less when roaming in the 50 inclusive roam like home destinations.

Userlevel 1

Thanks so much for the help, very appreciated.

Userlevel 8
Badge +9

No worries.

Work out your plan’s EU inclusive destinations data roaming allowance using the following page: