Watch out for your holiday dates as ID mobile will charged you when you are still in the UK. Both ID mobile APP and website is useless to monitor your usage when roaming in or out of plan in EU inclusive zone. It is worth to know you will get out of plan without knowing it.
Unlike other providers, ID Mobile do not give precise details of ID mobile charges for extra datas when roaming out of plan in inclusive EU zone. Neither ID Mobile give these details when
billing you.
In the link that ID mobile will provided as a response you will see, there is no cost in number in pound. What ID Mobile charged in pounds when roaming out of plan in inclusive EU zone like France, Spain, Italy... is not indicated nowhere.
ID mobile will mis-solded you add-on worthless when roaming out of plan. No compensation to the distress caused to a vulnerable customer left stranded abroad without essential apps
ID mobile just charged me out of plan EU roaming when I was still in the UK.