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I have been a loyal customer to ID Mobile for around 8 years.  My contract began at £5 a month and still is £5 a month, so I cannot complain about the cost and the contract by and large covers all my needs.

However, a recent experience has left me feeling let down completely by ID mobile.

I am disabled and suffer from a serious autoimmune disease.  I became very very ill recently and was admitted to hospital.  Within 24 hours I was rushed by emergency ambulance to another hospital 45 miles from home.  Not only that but I was told I may not survive the weekend.

My partner does not drive and my daughter works full time so having visitors was always going to be difficult, especially during week days.  Although she was able to get sometime off due to the circumstances, she is the manager and had responsibilities and I was fine with that.

Anyway I knew I could keep in touch by phone, Internet etc, so it wasn't going to be too bad.  I quickly became aware the the NHS WiFi was a waste of time.  I couldn't even send a WhatsApp using it.  So it was down to using my mobile data.  With rollover I get 3GB a month, which is normally more than I ever use.

I soon discovered that 3GB was nothing and it disappeared quickly.  So I went onto ID to look for a data pack.  £10 for 6GB was the best available as I didn't want to overspend.  I ordered it and it went through, everything good I was able to keep in touch with family etc.  Within 2 days the 6GB was gone!  I had to get another data pack.  Now I admit that I had watched some TV to help pass time but the speed at which the data was going really surprised me.  Again Within 2 days another £10 add on was needed.  That was £30 in under a week.

I was still classed as being critically ill and the future unsure.  I decided to contact ID about maybe getting a better short term deal on data to help me out while I was stuck away from home and family.

What a performance this turned into!  I tried to access live chat, to find myself stuck in a dead end loop of AI that didn't understand what I was asking about.  In frustration I typed in I want to leave ID mobile!!  Immediately it flashed up I'm transferring you to a real person.

The chat began and I explained what had gone on and that I was hoping to get some help with a data package that was a bit cheaper than £10 for 6GB.  I do only have a limited income of disability benefits to live on and £30 in 6 days was a lot.  I said I was not looking for a handout or something for nothing, I expected to pay.

I was surprised that the person I was talking to said, "I think you are a vulnerable customer and I would like to record that on your record".  I said well I wouldn't say I'm vulnerable as such I just get on and do things as best as I can.  If you want to note that down and it gets me a short term deal on data feel free!

Next thing she said I've put that on your account, I cantt help you anymore.  You need to ring this number talk to the vulnerable person people and they might be able to help.  I was gobsmacked!!  I then accidentally hit the wrong button and lost the chat and the number and that was the end of that.

I was quite annoyed to be honest, all I wanted was a bit of understanding and a bit better deal for data while stuck 45 miles from home and very unwell.  £30 for 18GB of data I think is very expensive to say the least.  In the end I spent the next 6 days just texting and calling home, no video calls or anything as I couldn't afford to spend money at the rate I was.  Was it ideal?  No it wasn't.  Do I feel let down by ID, yes I do.

I dont feel I was asking for much in the circumstances, I wasn't expecting a freebie, just a better deal to help me out while stuck in hospital, unsure what my future would be.  Apparently that was too much to expect from my mobile provider.

Thankfully I am back at home now, still very unwell and facing an uncertain future.

I would simply like to know why I should stay with ID after this experience?  The extortionate £30 for 18GB of data has left my bank today by DD.  It leaves money tight this month but its paid.

I have found a better contract with Smarty and will give ID the opportunity to respond before leaving, just to see if they do care about their customers and value loyalty.  If not I will leave!!

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