
New Year, New You

New Year, New You

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To improve my health, get on the bike a bit more to remove my covid lock down belly... 

Work on myself and be happier and more relaxed 

Userlevel 1

Running and switching to an EV, and raise some money for charity along the way too. EV arrives April and the running has already begun!


You can donate to support Prostate Cancer UK in January here:

You can donate to support WWF up to late April here:

I want to get fitter and healthier so I can go on a snowboarding holiday - Covid permitting 😊

Moving home in a couplin 0e of weeks. I have already decluttered when I started packing but looking at the number of boxes already packed need to do this again when unpacking.  Need to get rid of all the extras collected and that “just in case I need it” stuff. 

All boxes need to be unpacked and put away within 2 weeks of moving not sitting in a bedroom to do later.

Want to be more organised and tidy in 2022 so this is a good opportunity to motivate me.

My New Years resolution is to try and stop worrying so much about my acne. I’ve let it ruin my life for so many years…. I want to start enjoying myself more and caring less about what others think of my appearance!

My New Years resolution is to eat less and exercise more. Same as last year 😂 

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I want to focus on loving myself as I’ve always had low self esteem. I think then I can start my journey to be a better healthy life xx

To try eat healthier and exercise more 

To be kind to myself, Improve my mental health and well-being. also to keep in touch with loved ones more often

Snack less, read more, get running again and generally be the best me I can for myself and everyone else whose path I cross. 

My new year's resolution is to try and be there more for my friends and family, with Covid and working from home etc our lives seem to have become more insular. I want to get back to connecting with friends and family, it's good for my mental health and everyone's to do the same. Have a great year.

My resolution is to make more time to connect with friends, and focus on my relationships - even if that’s just a phone or video call! :) 

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My new years resolution would be ' living my life to the fullest and having no regrets'. I plan to achieve and fulfill my goals as life goes on as there is no certainty for tomorrow. No one knows when they themself or someone they love/know may pass away, therefore I want to make sure I give my 100% to myself and to others and live my life to the fullest! ❤️❤️

To make progress mentally, physically and spiritually. I'm constantly in competition with my past self to be better and do better. This entails getting comfortable being uncomfortable, within reason. 

Have more fun time with family.

To accept and enjoy my retirement and become a far more helpful husband to my hard working NHS wife by cooking and cleaning to save her. 

To try and save enough money for a head stone to place on my husband's ashes,  who died recently. 

Lower my golf handicap.

Userlevel 2

200 crunches a day….failing that, 2 crunchies a day.

Userlevel 1

My new years resolution is to eat more healthy and be more active!

My New Year's Resolution is to earn more money!

So a new job hopefully 😬



Userlevel 1

I want to get to my ideal weight and manage my finances better by taking more opportunities to save money.

Hello ID!


I want to be healthier, I want to lose weight, stop smoking, feel comfortable in my own skin rather than feel paranoid and have a low self esteem, i want to be able to look in the mirror and be happy with who I am, it is partly why i bought Samsung S21, so i can keep track of my steps, weight and help loose the pounds!


Thanks for amazing deals you have and hope this year will be good as much as i'm hoping it will be good for me!



Doing a half Marathon for charity and run it under 2.5 hours,

Why iD Mobile?