October Community Newsletter Competition - Closed

October Community Newsletter Competition - Closed

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Has to be An American Werewolf In London.
The Shining starring Jack Nicholson. The melodrama is slowly built up as Jack changes. A good story, gripping plot, well executed and Nicholson showed his talents to the extreme, a film I could watch again and again.
Not my favourite type of film but if I had to pick one it would be the original version of "The Haunting". Scary is when you don't actually see much, just let your imagination fill in the details!
My favourite horror movie is the exorisicm of Emily rose. Just enough jumps and turns to shake you up. Also as it's based on a true story makes it 100 times scarier
The original Halloween has always been a favourite, but From recent films it has to be The Girl with all the Gifts - primarily because my son is in it.
The Omen - old proper horror movie...
The Incubus
The Descent!
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John Carpenter’s 1982 movie ‘The Thing’
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Nightmare on Elm Street.
I'd been out with a load of mates and we went back to a friend's house for late night drinks. We whacked on Nightmare on Elm Street - the latest horror movie he'd rented (on VHS tape) - and had a few more beers while being scared senseless. The worst bit was walking home on my own in the early hours of the morning when the steetlights all went out. Despite having a skinfull of beer inside me I ran the remaining half-mile all the way home!
My choice would be between the ORIGINAL Halloween and The Exorcist, but I have to go with Halloween as this is what the competition is all about.

For it still to be going after 10 films, the latest Halloween, on the 40th anniversary, shows it endurance.
I have two joint-favourite horror movies, depending on whether I want to be freaked out or just outright terrified! I don't think many horror films can freak me out the same way The Shining can. That movie is a classic for a good reason! Rather than going for obvious jump-scares, the movie pulls you in and the vibe creeps you out in a way that a typical horror movie never can. Plus Jack Nicholson is one of my top 5 actors, the the movie gains an extra point for that! My other favourite horror movie has to be The Conjuring. Oh good Lawd baby Jesus, when I first watched that movie, that was my sleeping pattern wrecked for a solid week. It has a solid story, good character development, excellent acting and more than just a few simple jump scares. James Wann knows how to scare you in a way not many other horror directors can!
A Nightmare On Elm Street - Didn't dare go to sleep afetr watching this!
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My favourite horror movie of all times is Friday the 13th.. no matter how many times I watch it and I know the jump scenes it still gets me on the edge of my seat.
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Sound of Music
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The Shining is definitely my favourite horror movie of all time. They don’t make them like they did in the 70s!
My favourite horror film has to be the original nightmare on elm Street, there's definitely no better a horror icon than Freddy 😁
Carrie... First horror I went to see ...and put me off for life! I can watch surgery ,blood ,spiders etc but I'm not looking for scary...I've changed enough nappies and been a teacher!!!!
My favourite horror movie has to be Nightmare on Elm Street - it made me jump out of my skin and then collapse into hysterical laughter!
Userlevel 1
It has to be Poltergeist
House of 1,000 corpses.

The first horror dvd I ever bought. It’s a 70’s B movie with modern horror standards.
The shining
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Has to be 1982 for poltergeist. "their here" was the phrase that carol-anne was famed for. In 1982 this was a must watch.
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13 ghosts is my favourite. I love the stories behind each ghost 🙂
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