
Can't register my new sim card and mobile number. Dont receive verification passcode from ID

Userlevel 1

Hi all, 

Hope I can get some help as by now I am quite desperate. 

My problem is that I'm not receiving the verification pass code after I register on the ID mobile app. 

Therfore, I can't register my new SIM and further proceed to transfer my old number on to ID mobile and my new phone. 

It says it's going to send me a text with passcode on the new mobile number but I never receive anything. How can I get over this obstacle? 


Best answer by andewhite 2 May 2024, 10:18

View original

7 replies

Userlevel 8
Badge +9

You should be able to switch without registering for an iD account online, @Elwinny.

Do this online from


Userlevel 1

@andewhite the problem is not the switching between SIM cards. The first hurdle is that I can't register the original SIM that ID mobile sent me. I registered myself on the app,  but it will only go to the place where it says "Enter the passcode that we will send you on your new mobile number " - but I never received this text. 

No matter what I try. Reinstalled the app, re-registered, switched the phone off and on, but no luck. I can't get through to register the SIM on to the Network. 

I hope that make sense! 

Userlevel 8
Badge +9

Okay @Elwinny, your original post mentioned you want to transfer your old number to iD Mobile.

You don’t need to register with iD in order to transfer your number using a PAC from your old service provider.

Userlevel 1

Not yet @andewhite , but hopefully once the first issue is sorted I will need your advise as well. So thank you!

Userlevel 8
Badge +9

Not sure why you need the first issue sorted, @Elwinny

You should be able to switch from your old provider to iD Mobile without registering first, which can be done online from

You can use the iD Live Chat service without being registered - an online adviser can process your PAC.



Userlevel 1

@andewhite thank you. I finally managed to get someone on Live Chat that knew what they are doing and helped me. I am now in the process of transferring my old mobile number on to ID mobile…

Thanks for your help!

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @Elwinny,

Welcome to the Community!

Glad to hear that this is resolved.

If you require further assistance, please let us know and we would be happy to help.


