Boost Your Mood This Blue Monday

Boost Your Mood This Blue Monday

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Mountain biking in the forest

Find joy in the simple moments, and happiness will follow.

Stepping off the plane with my family and feeling that Florida Heat 

Seeing our grandchildren developing new skills!

Sailing around the Devon and Cornwall coast line on our boat with my wife.

Spending time with my children and husband 🥰

Pub, Friday teatime with my brother's-even better if I walk there.

My cat :)

Watching Chelsea win

Playing golf with my daughter come rain or shine ( or frost or snow!) getting to spend quality time with her doing the thing she loves. 

Watching my beautiful boy finding so much joy and happiness in the world around him and in turn me finding laughter in the things he does x

Having my online orders delivered to the correct address

Popping for a walk in the local woodland with my family and our dog. The fresh air and time outdoors together really helps lift my spirits :) 

Getting up early for a walk, just as the suns rising and the birds are singing the dawn chorus.

Hitting a frame perfect Electric Wind God Fist combo makes me happy. 

Spending time with my dog walking and running on the beach.

Spending time with my beautiful girlfriend Lauren and our dog Simba. Preferably outside, for a picnic or walk.

Being with my family and friends.

To see my family being healthy and happy!

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Going on European city breaks.

Userlevel 1

Wining a Samsung 4K Smart TV 😁

Coming home every night to my family, where we sit down together and chat about our days and what’s coming up in the future

Realising that I am truly blessed, I have what I need and can be thankful for that.

Seeing my little granddaughters eyes light up when the chocolate buttons come out of the fridge..heaven..😀😀

My best friend, Star is my happiness. She’s been my whole world since I rescued her form Bulgaria, absolute rock. Today my DR set things in motion to finally get help for ADHD and Autism after 42 years...This is the best thing that could possibly have happened to me. 

I feel seen and heard. 
