Boost Your Mood This Blue Monday

Boost Your Mood This Blue Monday

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Failing in life, and then coming out the other side, so much more confident and successful. I’m a trainee teacher and it is full of ups and downs, but its the successes that really make you feel like you can do it. 

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A long walk in the contryside

My kids and family make me happy. Every day is chaos and fun in equal measure 

Going out with my family to the park and eating ice-cream 

Spending as much time with my family as possible, this is the most important/precious thing in my life x

Riding my bike

I find meditation is the best way to start the day or night. It helps you to see all the ‘Programs’ that run. Triggered by old outdated conditioning / experiences. You notice just how beautiful the world really is. 

Spending time with nature never fails to lift my mood, be it 10mins in a gateway, parked up eating my lunch or a day at an African water-hole - my mood is improved.


Going through a stressful time in my life at the moment - I am really enjoying going for a run, headphones on, no thoughts or worries in those moments.

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Spent quality time with family on holiday

Makes me so....happy 😎

Being off work on "Blue Monday"!

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Family. My work means that I am regularly not at home with my family and I miss important times of the year and events. That means that when I get to spend time with my family I cherish it.

Planning and booking a holiday to somewhere nice and warm

Out walks with the family and friends .

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When you come back from mission and your loved ones say “we’ve missed you!”

And then handed the To Do list!!! 🙂 At least you know that you’re needed!!

Looking after and playing with my grandchildren

Skiing ⛷️ swapping the Monday blues for bluebird ski days! 


Going out on the motorbike 

It may be raining, but there’s a rainbow above you…


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Eating out with my family

Going on a holiday

waking up to a sunny morning ( rare in UK)

skying in the winter and

in summer seeing new blooms on my plants/flowers in my garden 

Taking a cold shower whilst listening to Light my Fire by the Doors.

Thankful that I'm 77 and still alive to be able to drive, visit my 5 grandchildren, doing school runs, participating in taking them to sports activities which includes training and playing.... and sometimes I do join in!!!!!!😉 😆🤣😂😂....JUST KEEP SMILING 😃 

When you wake up all tuck in, and you realise today you have a day off🙃 my cats make me happy with their cuddles and funny antiques. Sunshine in a crispy morning, a jog on the beach to see the sunrise  

Sitting on the patio on a summers night . Drinking a glass of wine and watching my kids jumping and laughing  on the trampoline 
