Boost Your Mood This Blue Monday

Boost Your Mood This Blue Monday
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January often marks a time of new beginnings and goal-setting for the year ahead. However, it can also bring a sense of melancholy for many. The festive cheer and close family gatherings of the holiday season give way to a quieter, more reflective period. 

Despite this, there are several ways to infuse your days with positivity. We have some great tips to help brighten your mood.

What is Blue Monday?

'Blue Monday' started in 2005 as part of an ad by a travel company. They said they figured out the saddest day of the year using things like weather, how long until the next holiday, and how long since people have been paid. But the expert who helped come up with this idea later said we should think about happy things instead, especially when making new goals.

Now, people use Blue Monday as a reminder to take care of themselves. Here are some fun things to try:

Get moving.

Exercise is a great way to feel good. It doesn't have to be boring; you can ride a bike in the park, go for a run, or play a game like football with friends. This can make you feel better, get you outside, and let you hang out with others.

Watch a Happy Movie or TV Show

Happy movies or TV shows can lift your spirits. Watching a movie with a good ending or a funny TV show, even if you've seen it before, can make you feel better. Try watching something like “The Pursuit of Happyness”, “The Sound of Music”, "Forrest Gump," or a movie with Adam Sandler. Watch with family or friends for more fun.

Go shopping for yourself

January is a good time to buy something special for yourself, especially with the sales. Maybe you've been wanting a new laptop, a trip, or cool shoes. Go ahead and treat yourself!

Read a Good Book

Reading can take your mind off things, which is good for you. Whether you like stories or books that help you learn, there's a book for everyone. Find a quiet place, turn off your phone, and start reading.

Talk to family and friends

We’re talking about the people that are always rooting for you, no matter what you do or where you are, in your mind and in reality. These are the people that make you feel better just for having chatted. They may be there for Christmas and other festive moments, but they’re also there when you’re feeling blue. Pick up the phone and call them, text them or set some time for a video call. 

Ask for Help if You Need It

Sometimes, feeling sad in January is more serious. It's important to look after your mental health just like your physical health. Talking to friends and family is good, but sometimes you need extra help.

Groups like CALM and the Samaritans are there to talk to you. Asking for help is the first step to feeling better. Remember, you're not alone.


Blue Monday Giveaway

 To help boost your mood this Blue Monday, we’re doing an exciting giveaway! This is where the Community comes together and in doing so, the reward just gets better! 

To enter simply tell us below what makes you happy in life. It could be anything, from family and friends to trips away at the weekend. Once you’ve entered your response, click send! And you’ll be entered into the draw. 

You have until 23:59 (GMT) 1st February to enter at which point we will tally up all the unique entries to work out which prize you could be winning. So if you want a chance to win a Samsung 4K TV let's get over 800 entries! T&C’s apply.

The lucky winner (and the final prize!) will be announced on the Community shortly after entries are closed, so make sure you come back to check if it's you!

Here’s what you could win: 


1011 replies

The weekends chilling.

Completing my gym session. All the weight and all the repetitions according to the plan. Progress. 

At the moment my new Pixel Pro 8 is making me very happy. It makes me go out to take photos. It makes me see friends to take photos, so that I can use the best take feature. It makes me go out at night to take photos of the stars.

We recently visited Center parcs with the whole family , I can honestly say spending quality time with my whole family made me so so happy 

Freedom and family.

Going for a brisk walk on the snow covered landscape

Userlevel 1

People saying thank-you 

Userlevel 1

Playing football with friends / family members always made me happy, as it did when my team won the match. Nowadays, relaxing with ice-cream on a hot summer's day (on your day off) or chilling while reading a riveting book seems to do the trick.


Trying to beat Monday blues with something special this year,Holidays to Fuerteventura.  And most important thing,with my family . 

A walk in the fresh air


Beautiful sunset by the sea

Frosted cobwebs

Autumn colours

Spending time with friends and family

Finding money in unexpected place

Helping people


Finding a bargain on something I really want

Finding a perfect article of clothing or shoes in a charity shop!

Getting a haircut 


Depends on the day but usually it's catching up with friends of an evening playing a bit of magic. The bants is excellent 👌

I absolutely love camping with my family. Getting out and about in nature to discover and make memories. 🥰

Just get a good workout first thing in the morning and followed by ice cold shower. You will forget all your problems... 

Travelling and Liverpool winning 

Having my two cats curling up next to me in cold winter nights while I'm watching TV in bed. That makes me happy.

A walk in nature with my camera :)


Userlevel 1

Walking my dog or owning a dog in general really blows out my cobwebs.

They say to find out who loves you most, lock your dog and your partner in a garage for 3 hours and see who is the most happy to see you when you open it up. 

Guarantee it will be your dog. 


Spending time with grandkids watching films and playing games

Spending time on my allotment.

It's been 6years with Id mobile and find this interesting and happy with service so far. Thank you for your service..

Userlevel 2

Being in love, and having my son and my daughter.

Userlevel 1

Sobriety!   My last alcoholic drink was 30 years ago today ….

the following words of Ian Dury always mak me smile…A bit of grin and bear it, a bit of come and share it, You're welcome we can spare it, yellow socks.

Something nice to study, phoning up a buddy Being in my nuddy….I don’t mind.

Talk with my family, going to holiday, walk in nature, watch something interesting or just simply play a video game. 


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