Boost your mood on Blue Monday

Boost your mood on Blue Monday
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It's January. We're usually busy cracking on with our New Year’s resolutions and organising plans for the year ahead. But it can also be a bit of a sad time for many people. After the warm feelings of the festive period - spending time with those closest to us - January can feel like the celebrations are over.

But there are little things you can do to add some positivity to your day. And we’ve got some brilliant suggestions to put a smile on your face.


What is Blue Monday?

‘Blue Monday’ (the day, not the New Order hit) was actually launched as a marketing scheme in 2005 by a travel company. They claimed to have calculated the most depressing day of the year. To work this out, they used factors like average temperature, days until the next bank holiday, hours of daylight and days since last payday.

However, the psychologist that developed the concept later campaigned against it. Instead, he said that everyone should try and focus on the positives. If you’re setting new goals this year, that’s an important thought to keep in mind.

Nowadays, Blue Monday is still regarded as a time for self-care. After all, it’s important to do things that make you feel good. Here are a few of our best ideas…

Get out and exercise

Exercise is one of the best ways to get that hit of dopamine. It doesn’t need to be an average gym routine either. You could go for a cycle through the park, lace up your running shoes, or even set up a game of 5-a-side with your mates. Why not get fit, soak up some nature and socialise at the same time? And, best of all, it’ll help keep those blues at bay.

Watch an uplifting film or TV show

There’s a reason they’re called feel-good films. When you’re feeling low, turning to that film with a happy ending or a sitcom with familiar faces is a great way to lift your spirits. You might have seen it before, but that doesn’t matter at all.

Movies like The Shawshank Redemption, Matilda, Forrest Gump, or anything starring the late, great Robin Williams are all great choices. Get your family, friends, or housemates together and watch something you’re all guaranteed to enjoy.

Treat yourself to some retail therapy

While December is all about sorting amazing Christmas gifts for your loved ones, January’s all about the gift of self-giving. And why not? You deserve it.

January is a great time to make that big purchase you’ve had planned for a while. The January sales are typically one of the biggest of the year after all. You’re likely to bag a sweet deal on that classy laptop, heavenly holiday, or swish shoes you’ve had your eye on. Take the plunge and go for it – you'll be glad you did.

Escape into a good book

There’s nothing like a good book to keep your mind occupied. Whether you’re into fictional, immersive worlds, or someone that wants to take on a fresh perspective with self-help literature. There’s genuinely a book out there for everyone.

It may be a cliché, but reading is one of the best things you can do to expand your mind and escape from things that might weigh you down. And there’s always time to get into a good read. Just set your phone to silent, turn off the TV and dive right in.

Catch up with friends and family

What made Christmas so good for us wasn’t the decorations, the music, or the food (okay, maybe it was a bit). It was mostly the chance to spend some time with our nearest and dearest.

We’re talking about the people that are always rooting for you, no matter what. These are the people that make you feel better - even after a quick 5-minute chat. They may be there for Christmas, but they’re also there when you’re feeling blue. Pick up the phone and call them, text them or plan a visit to see them. With iD Mobile, you’ve got unlimited minutes and texts whatever plan you have, so there’s no excuse.

Reach out

Sometimes it’s not just a simple case of January blues. Those feelings could go on longer and feel deeper. Mental health is equally as important as physical health, and it’s brilliant that more of us are talking about it. But, while it’s never been more important to speak to our friends and relatives, sometimes it takes more than that to start feeling better in ourselves again.

There’s always someone out there to speak to. Someone who understands exactly how you feel and knows what you’re going through. The hardest step to make is the first one, which is to get in touch. But once you do, you’ll be making that all-important commitment to feeling better.

If you feel like you need mental health support, check out the likes of CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) and Samaritans. Whether it’s a phone call, email, or text chat, they’ll speak to you – whoever you are and whatever you’re going through. You’re not alone.  


Giveaway Time - Closed

To help boost your mood this Blue Monday, we’re doing an exciting giveaway! This is where the Community comes together and in doing so, the reward just gets better! 

To enter simply tell us below what makes you happy in life. It could be anything, from family and friends to trips away at the weekend. Once you’ve entered your response, click send! And you’ll be entered into the draw. 

You have until 3rd February to enter at which point we will tally up all the unique entries to work out which prize you could be winning. So if you want a chance to win a phone let's get over 300 entries! T&C’s apply

The lucky winner (and the final prize!) will be announced on the Community shortly after entries are closed, so make sure you come back to check if it's you!

Here’s what you could win: 

Good Luck! 

624 replies

Userlevel 1

When your three year old granddaughter gives you backchat.

Most Helpful Answer

Userlevel 1

Telling my loved one what they mean to me and how grateful I am to have them in my life!

Most Helpful Answer

Userlevel 1

Playing a Steinway piano

Userlevel 1

For me its spending christmas with friends. My family hasnt had a christmas together for years. Even when i was younger, christmas was filled with arguments and sad days. So when i get to spend christmas with my best friends over the years. Watching everyone open their presents and have a great time. Me just being there part of that, not having anything to open myself.  It really gets me emotional and so happy. Because i know i missed that as a kid and the thought of being on my own at christmas can get me down a bit. I deserve to be happy. But as long as everyone else is smiling. That gives me another reason to be happy.

Userlevel 1

An Unruffled Blue Monday

Enjoy the simple things in life

Easy on the eyes

& much less strife


Most Helpful Answer

Userlevel 1

A good run and a bike ride keeps the blues away! Well it does for me :) 

Userlevel 1

Quality time spent with my beautiful family

Most Helpful Answer

Userlevel 1

Spending tine with my wee loveable client who can make anyone smile on a down day 


Most Helpful Answer

Userlevel 1

Something made me very happy yesterday. I finally got round to sorting out a very messy cupboard and in there I found our first camcorder miraculously with the charger which we had over 20 years ago. I was delighted when it did come to life and even more delighted when I found a tape still in there. When we played this tape we found it contained footage we didn’t know we had and we very tearfully sat and watched my now grown children opening their presents on Christmas morning, 2001 which also contained our long departed first dog. Also a video of a New Year’s Eve party in 2000 which had my now deceased mother and father in law singing and enjoying life with their family. Also my children’s first experience of a big snow fall and then sledging over the fields. It was a bitter sweet experience watching these memories but we were so happy we found this long forgotten memory which we can now treasure and watch again and again.

Userlevel 1

Snuggling up with my two grandchildren either side of me.

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Userlevel 1

Snuggling up with my two grandchildren either side of me.

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Most Helpful Answer

Userlevel 1

My beautiful granddaughter, she is my world 💕 my family and friends too 🥰

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Userlevel 1

Most Helpful Answer

Userlevel 1

My football team winning

Going Dragracing with my race team…… Moto-GP walking the dog and knowing my family are healthy…… :) 


Userlevel 1

Playing a Steinway piano

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Userlevel 1


What’s make me happy? My daughter’s love for me, cuddles with my dog, sunshine on my face and that I can provide for them, feed them and keep warm. 

Userlevel 1

For me its spending christmas with friends. My family hasnt had a christmas together for years. Even when i was younger, christmas was filled with arguments and sad days. So when i get to spend christmas with my best friends over the years. Watching everyone open their presents and have a great time. Me just being there part of that, not having anything to open myself.  It really gets me emotional and so happy. Because i know i missed that as a kid and the thought of being on my own at christmas can get me down a bit. I deserve to be happy. But as long as everyone else is smiling. That gives me another reason to be happy.

Most Helpful Answer

Userlevel 1

A good run and a bike ride keeps the blues away! Well it does for me :) 

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Userlevel 3

Working in my allotment with help from my 3 year old grandson

Userlevel 1

Dancing and sunshine. You cannot beat either.

My little cat - seeing his fluffy face always cheers my day up 🥰

Userlevel 1

Something made me very happy yesterday. I finally got round to sorting out a very messy cupboard and in there I found our first camcorder miraculously with the charger which we had over 20 years ago. I was delighted when it did come to life and even more delighted when I found a tape still in there. When we played this tape we found it contained footage we didn’t know we had and we very tearfully sat and watched my now grown children opening their presents on Christmas morning, 2001 which also contained our long departed first dog. Also a video of a New Year’s Eve party in 2000 which had my now deceased mother and father in law singing and enjoying life with their family. Also my children’s first experience of a big snow fall and then sledging over the fields. It was a bitter sweet experience watching these memories but we were so happy we found this long forgotten memory which we can now treasure and watch again and again.

Most Helpful Answer

Userlevel 1

Seeing the grandchildren. 


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