
Trying to cancel and get a valid PAC code!!!!

  • 4 January 2021
  • 3 replies

I have tried to obtain a valid PAC code by text message and online account.  It always gives me the same code which was the one I used to move to ID from Vodafone, and it says it will expire 26th December 2020, which is obviously in the past.  Online chat is useless and live chat with a human is non existent. HELP!!!!!


Best answer by Ryan 5 January 2021, 14:52

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3 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +9

Hi @magordon7,

We are sorry to hear about this issue. We have sent you a PM and replied to your other post about this here.


Having a total nightmare cancelling my plan. Have tried PAC code, app etc with no joy.

Userlevel 6
Badge +9

Hi @Alicia,

I’m sorry to hear that. Did you obtain a PAC code? If so, you will need to give this to another provider or else the plan will not cancel.

If you did not get a PAC code, please text PAC DDMMYY to 65075 (DDMMYY should be your date of birth, for example, 301099 would be 30th October 1999) and we'll text you back with your PAC.

Please let me know how that goes.
