
Slow 4g internet mobile data

  • 21 July 2023
  • 7 replies

My 4g speed is at 0.67Mbps download today. I live in E16. Please fix it


Best answer by andewhite 26 July 2023, 15:43

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7 replies

Hi I live in E16 and I’m getting 0.67Mbps download speed in my house on 4G. I checked three and they said theres no issues in my area.

Userlevel 5
Badge +9

Hello @Jenny1234,

Sorry to hear that.

What’s the full postcode of the area you’re having issues at?

Coverage speeds vary but we don’t provide a minimum guaranteed speed due to many factors.




@Mohammed Hiya my postcode is E16 1BH.

Userlevel 5
Badge +9

Hey @Jenny1234,

Sorry to hear about the speeds.

We don’t guarantee a minimum speed on our network.

Have you just joined us or is this a recent issue that was previously fine?

What’s the full postcode of the area?



I just joined the network.

Userlevel 8
Badge +9

Looks like there might be a service issue in your area @Jenny1234.


Userlevel 5
Badge +9

Hey @Jenny1234,

As above, there seems to be an isuse in your area that could be impacting this.

We don’t have any time-frames showing.

If you’ve just joined and unhappy with the coverage, you have 30-day returns for iD contracts purchased from us and 14-days if purchased via Currys.
