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I’m currently abroad and have got roaming set up, but want to check how much data I’ve used. The app displays 194.7GB/100GB. What is this telling me? That I’ve used 94.7 extra outside of my plan? Is there any way of seeing how much I’ve used while abroad?


With ID any unused data gets rolled over and added to next months amount.

This is telling you thatt you still have 194.7 GB to use this month before it resets in 12 days.


Be careful as you only get a maximum of 30GB of roaming data regardless of your monthly allowance!!

Be careful as you only get a maximum of 30GB of roaming data regardless of your monthly allowance!!

Thanks for this! Is there a way on the app of checking how much roaming data I’ve used so far?

Hi @GillWillow 


Unfortunately there is not currently a way to track the usage used while specifically roaming, we’re feeding back the want for this feature, however don’t currently have anything to announce.


Thanks for the help on this one @Martin Radford & @Itwizman.



I have had exactly the same problems understanding the way the 'data remaining' is displayed and explained on the app. And how 'roaming data used' is left to guess work. You'd think in the app development meetings someone would have said.... "eh boss how are we showing the use of roaming data"

...also "be careful you only get 30gb roaming..... where! where! where does it say that.... I have just searched every corner of the app.…

"Hey Boss let's not tell them it's only 30gb of roaming... a day... a month... a year... no just don't say anything. Let them run out of data in France... let them suffer. "

Hey there @garycook67, we appreciate your feedback.


In terms of roaming usage, you will receive a text when you use 80%, and you’d also receive another when you’ve used 100% of your roaming data. If you are yet to receive either, then it’s safe to continue using as much data as you like. We send out the 80% text to warn customers that they’re nearing the limit, and it’s then up to the customer to decide how to use it, and the same for when it’s all been used up.




No I didn't receive any texts.

I can't use any data whether it's safe or not.

The sim was in a router. 

My question still unanswered. How do I know how much roaming data I have? On the app would be useful.



@garycook67 -

Roaming Usage is something we’re working on adding in a future update. We had a rocky launch with the new app, so development focus was on stability. Also, this is why we don’t officially support iD SIMs in devices that can’t receive SMS, as this is how we often send comms.


Thank you for the honesty Mathew. It's funny how neither the fact you had not finished developing the app before launch, or that you don't support sims in routers were on any of your initial marketing, or in fact on any subsequent communication, Webpage, app or document. 

And that it has taken me nearly a week to find this out.


Another question is how long does the limit on roaming last? A month? A year?


@garycook67 -

The technology powering the old iD app became end of life in March, which is why the new app had to be released (unfortunately like all new things, there were some teething issues!). 

We do have a list of Approved Devices here:

Roaming limit resets with each Billing Cycle. Thanks.
