Beat those post-holiday and cold weather blues!

  • 1 September 2023
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Beat those post-holiday and cold weather blues!
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Summer holidays are great. Returning and going back to work – not so great. As soon as you’re on that rainy Monday morning commute, it can seem like you’ve never been away.

Even if you didn’t go abroad on holiday, the change from sunshine to cloudy with a chance of drizzle is enough to get you down. So, we’ve put together some advice to help you beat those after-sun blues!

We’ll start with some top post-holiday tips, and follow that up with advice on how we can all keep a positive attitude in the face of bad old British weather.

Beat the post-holiday blues

1. Get organised

After a long, lazy holiday, that alarm on your first morning back can be tough. So, make things easy on yourself with a little planning the night before. Choose what you’re going to wear, get your bag ready for work, and find your security pass.

Use your smartphone to create a checklist of what you’ll need to prioritise on that important first week back to work. There are some great apps like like Evernote Wunderlist or Trello that can help with this kind of prep and planning.

2. Make time for yourself

Don’t rush headlong into the pile of work waiting for you. Pace yourself and make sure you take regular breaks to give yourself a chance to take stock and remain calm.

Be sure to take proper lunch breaks away from your desk and, if possible, leave the office for a breath of fresh air. If you need a little help to stay calm, take a look at de-stressing apps like like Calm or Headspace.

3. Now hear this!

Stay positive and inspired by listening to some motivational podcasts like Ted Talks or some Spotify motivational playlists on your way to work. Better still, put together your own playlist of your fave inspirational, upbeat tunes as the soundtrack to your commute.

4. Read all about it…

Load up your tablet or Kindle with some inspirational reads for your commute to work or for a quick motivator on your lunch break. There’s a whole world of eBooks out there just waiting to be discovered!

5. Stay active and eat well

You’re bound to be tired coming back to work after a relaxing holiday, especially if you’ve had a long journey home through different time zones. So it’s really important to eat well and stay hydrated.

Check out healthy eating apps and sites like Better Health Better Families and MyFitnessPal and for a little exercise motivation, take a look at Map My WalkRunkeeper or Fitbit.

6. Keep the holiday memories alive

A great holiday is all about great experiences, and that can be a delicious dish you’ve eaten or a favourite activity. And just because you’ve got back home, doesn’t mean you have to leave those experiences behind.

Had an amazing Italian meal in Rome? Check to see if there are any great Italian places in your area. Or maybe you can use a takeaway app to have it delivered to your door. Loved rock climbing in Thailand? Maybe an indoor climbing wall will scratch that itch.

7. It’s good to talk

Take time to check in with your colleagues and get up to speed on what you missed while you were away. Catch-up with a friend over coffee and chat about your holiday. Simply talking to someone and having a laugh can help you settle in smoothly to your old routine.

Adjust to weather that’s not so hot

Dealing with the abrupt shift from hot sunny days to cooler temperatures can be quite a challenge, so here are some tips to help you keep upbeat when the clouds come out.

1. Layer up

The key to staying comfortable during changing weather is mastering the art of layering. Start with a light, breathable base layer – think a comfy cotton tee or a lightweight sweater. Then, add a slightly thicker layer like a cardigan or a jacket that can easily be removed if the sun decides to make a surprise appearance.

2. Check the forecast

Your phone is your friend when it comes to dealing with the ever-changing weather. Download a decent weather app for up-to-the-minute forecasts and notifications about sudden changes. This way, you'll always be one step ahead of the weather's surprises.

3. Weatherproof your plans

Planning a picnic? Going for a hike? Then be ready to adapt, even if you’re happy with the forecast. Pack a waterproof picnic blanket or a light raincoat just in case. Expect the best, be prepared for the worst. It’s what enjoying the outdoors is all about.

4. Mind your skin

Okay, so the sun isn't blazing like you’re still abroad - but that doesn't mean you should ditch the sunscreen. Cooler temperatures can be deceiving, and UV rays are still a thing. So if it’s still fairy sunny, use a moisturiser with built-in sun protection to keep your skin happy and healthy.

5. Embrace the unpredictability

Last but not least. Let’s refuse to let the weather beat us! Yes, it’s going to be difficult. But remember, every weather change is an opportunity for a new adventure. Whether you're on a sun-flecked forest walk or looking at the reflections in park puddles, try to look for beauty in unexpected moments. After all, it's the unpredictability that adds a touch of magic to our everyday lives.


Do you have any tips for dealing with the end of summer and a return to rainy days? We’d love to hear them, so feel free to share your thoughts below!

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