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Can you please tell me, have I used 6.1Gb of my 4Gb allowance, or I have 6.1Gb remaining? The graphic is very confusing.

Thanks for everyone's help. This is a really useful service. I still have no clue, so that's just great.

Thanks for everyone's help. This is a really useful service. I still have no clue, so that's just great.

IMO the account data allowance information shown in the iD app / “My iD Account” appears incorrect, @LeighH

The screenshot reads as though you’ve used 6.1GB of your 4GB monthly allowance for data. 

Is your monthly allowance 4GB, @LeighH?  

Yes that's right.

I now believe it's 4Gb per month plus what's rolled over unused from the month before.

The billing month has now changed and it reads: 7.3Gb / 4Gb.

Strange way to write it though.

Yes that's right.

I now believe it's 4Gb per month plus what's rolled over unused from the month before.

The billing month has now changed and it reads: 7.3Gb / 4Gb.

Strange way to write it though.

Yes indeed, @LeighH.

Apparently, ‘strange’ things can happen with the ‘new’ iD app and “My iD Account” online applications, which seems to be affecting some customers. 


Hey there @LeighH, welcome to Community!


Unfortunately, there is a known bug with the app at the moment where the incorrect usage etc may show for some customers, and is something our teams are working hard on resolving ASAP. Sorry about that.


If you ever need us to check the correct allowances remaining or usage, we can do so via our live-chat:


Thank you,


