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iphone 16 pro max price

Hi, I’ve been with us around 9 to 11 years I really cannot remember how long but since carphone warehouse were trading as a separate company. I’m due an upgrade in 5 days and have ask support my price options but they can’t give them to till two days prior. I’m curious as to what price I’d be offered to pay on the iPhone 16 pro max I know I can get it as a new customer for 63ish a month and 30 pounds upfront but that’s for newbies 

10 replies

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  • Gold Contributor
  • 1628 replies
  • February 2, 2025

Hi there ​@Lucy Fedoriwskyj 


The price existing customers see when upgrading/renewing is tailored to you only - we don’t all get the same priced offers.

Its an almost certainty that your offer will be higher than the newbie offers, but what you could try is to call their dedicated sales team on 0207 139 1397 during normal business hours. Not saying you will but you might be able to negotiate a upgrade deal that comes in nearer to the newbie offer(s).

I spoke to them today I’ve apparently been with them 7 years but hey ho they also said I shouldn’t be looking at paying no more than 30 to 100 which is fairly large difference for an upfront but I’ll give em the old I’m leaving mlarky and stuff and hopefully get it down because imo it’s appealing that they would rather gain two new customers than keep one long standing one. But sadly that’s now how all businesses run these days higher turn over rate even if they don’t stay 

  • iD Mobile Employee
  • 1871 replies
  • February 2, 2025

Hi ​@Lucy Fedoriwskyj 


Thanks for getting in touch. 


I understand it can be frustrating to see discounts for new customers. These offers are meant to make joining us easy, and I like to think you got a good deal when you first signed up. Our offers change regularly, so if you’re ever curious about current options or upgrades, please contact the Sales Team on 0207 1391 397 between 9am -6pm.





I did that yesterday and today turns out you guys love discriminating against people with disabilities spent two hours on the phone to be told I’m not advocate for a person on my id so I can’t talk for them even tho I’ve being doing it for 7 years with you guys. And also I wouldn’t say a 159.99 upfront cost and 30 pounds a month on a honor back when you was trading under carphone warehouse and before Britian had a major cost of living crisis I’m starting to really give up with you guys to be majorly honestly the conversation I had today was news worthy I don’t appreciate endlessly being called a third party either when I’m the said persons carer LOL pending a call back from a manger I should really approach trading standards and say your withholding goods even tho there’s payment seeing your services and signal are so so poor and my bank. Who in there right mind pays 60 pounds a month not to use there phone in public or anywhere that’s past my house it’s actually appalling, to the point of embarrassment for a company turning over 100 million in profit, well we all know why.

Gold Contributor
  • Gold Contributor
  • 1628 replies
  • February 3, 2025
Lucy Fedoriwskyj wrote:

I did that yesterday and today turns out you guys love discriminating against people with disabilities spent two hours on the phone to be told I’m not advocate for a person on my id so I can’t talk for them even tho I’ve being doing it for 7 years with you guys.


I thought it was for you being as you said you were due for an upgrade. But I too am not permitted to be an authorised user on an iD account (I am for several other family and non family members via other service providers). Its in their terms and conditions, only the person named on the account can currently deal with them - technically via typing based formats they’d never know who they were ‘chatting’  (regarding a male or female) to.

But you would have thought they’d allow those whom have registered via their iDM’s vulnerable persons scheme. I’m assuming the main account holder did this years ago.


Lucy Fedoriwskyj wrote:

And also I wouldn’t say a 159.99 upfront cost and 30 pounds a month on a honor back when you was trading under carphone warehouse and before Britian had a major cost of living crisis I’m starting to really give up with you guys to be majorly honestly the conversation I had today was news worthy I don’t appreciate endlessly being called a third party either when I’m the said persons carer LOL


I’ve never bought a phone via iDM and probably never will. Based on how they currently do things it might have been better to have signed up using your name - I’m making a huge assumption this is a family member. I think they should make changes to whom can act on behalf of another - those with disabilities and learning difficulties for sure.


Lucy Fedoriwskyj wrote:

pending a call back from a manger I should really approach trading standards and say your withholding goods even tho there’s payment seeing your services and signal are so so poor and my bank.


Until iDM change their T’s and C’s I’m not sure how you’d get on. But the disability discrimination part may have to be started by the one you care for - and I’m truly sorry if the person you care for doesn’t have the capacity to do this, I’m merely offering advice. But iDM’s vulnerable service should surely have some method that gives you a means to act on their behalf (ignoring typing based formats).


Signal wise, what’s wrong with it and what have you done to try and resolve this? I’m happy to try and help with the signal part (if I can).


Lucy Fedoriwskyj wrote:

 Who in there right mind pays 60 pounds a month not to use there phone in public or anywhere that’s past my house it’s actually appalling, to the point of embarrassment for a company turning over 100 million in profit, well we all know why.


This could be an out of date SIM (rare but does happen), 3G being switched off in your area (many of us know first hand what that does!) or even things we can’t control - congestion.

I know I’d never pay that amount for a phone service. More so if my minimum term was over. Have you considered moving provider or are those just as bad for signal quality?

Yep, the signal issue could all be down to 3UK’s approach to their 3G switch-off. Many of us are suffering with this too (myself included)

Hi , yes it’s exactly that circumstance and the vulnerabilities line has had me jumping through hoops and bounds since last Friday. They promised me a call back from a manger two days ago scheduled and everything no where to be seen. Anyone would think in 2 days time they won’t be bothered if I just leave lol I mean we are here willing to take a phone out that’s around 80 pounds a month due to accessibility needs. And they are still not playing ball with anything. Not even a courtesy call what makes it even more awkward is the person it revolves around is non verbal most of the day so how can they literally arrange a contract I may of got that annoyed the other day I said they can come on the phone and dribble if you’d like they went silent and transferred me again. We have money for upfront costs the lot it’s just the person would like to pay for it them selfs and aren’t as well of so we all are trying to grasp a price for they can do is scratch their heads and go we will call you back with a manger.

Also my friend I haven’t had signal since 2020. It’s ever since three went down hill all them years back and everyone started calling out the signal issues the minute you leave your house and your data just ironically stops working. Three mobile have had poor signal which has been common for years upon years which also hinders Id in the long run. 

Gold Contributor
  • Gold Contributor
  • 1628 replies
  • February 3, 2025
Lucy Fedoriwskyj wrote:

Hi , yes it’s exactly that circumstance and the vulnerabilities line has had me jumping through hoops and bounds since last Friday. They promised me a call back from a manger two days ago scheduled and everything no where to be seen. Anyone would think in 2 days time they won’t be bothered if I just leave lol I mean we are here willing to take a phone out that’s around 80 pounds a month due to accessibility needs.

(looks like some replies may have been caught in the forums anti spam filter - nothing we can do it as it happens from time to time)


And herein lies the problem. By their definition is has to be the named account holder. You’d hope to think setting up an account on behalf of a disabled person (noted you said non verbal) would be easy and trying to sort out an upgrade easier too. I know first hand the added costs associated with disability needs and how unfair others treat those most in need.


Lucy Fedoriwskyj wrote:

And they are still not playing ball with anything. Not even a courtesy call what makes it even more awkward is the person it revolves around is non verbal most of the day so how can they literally arrange a contract


I’ve read of others whom never got a call back either. But I too wouldn’t be impressed.


Lucy Fedoriwskyj wrote:

I may of got that annoyed the other day I said they can come on the phone and dribble if you’d like they went silent and transferred me again. We have money for upfront costs the lot it’s just the person would like to pay for it them selfs and aren’t as well of so we all are trying to grasp a price for they can do is scratch their heads and go we will call you back with a manger.

We all do get annoyed from time to time.

I do hope you get this sorted🤞

Gold Contributor
  • Gold Contributor
  • 1628 replies
  • February 3, 2025
Lucy Fedoriwskyj wrote:

Also my friend I haven’t had signal since 2020. It’s ever since three went down hill all them years back and everyone started calling out the signal issues the minute you leave your house and your data just ironically stops working. Three mobile have had poor signal which has been common for years upon years which also hinders Id in the long run. 

I thought it was easier to reply to this one as a separate problem.


That’s a long time without a signal. Have you ever raised this with iDM?

If it had started around the time 3UK began switching off the 3G I could’ve blamed that.

Have you checked for known issues in your area (granted this would only show recent ones), have you adjusted your phones for 4G only and if your using an old Samsung phone was it originally supplied by iDM?


  • iD Mobile Employee
  • 1871 replies
  • February 5, 2025

Hello ​@Lucy Fedoriwskyj 


Thank you for your reply. 


Firstly, we want to apologise for any delays or inconvenience caused when contacting the Vulnerable customers line.

If a call back was offered and not delivered, this would need to be fed back as this is not the level of service we aim to deliver. 


I appreciate the situation must be frustrating but if a third party contacts us on behalf of the account holder, we would require either consent on the interaction from the account holder (I understand you have advised this is not possible) or Power of Attorney. 

If in any instance this is not possible, our policy states we are not allowed to discuss/access or change the account.


Can we please ask if you have requested to have the account updated with the information about the account holder being unable to communicate in the past? We ask as we can flag this on the account to ensure that anyone accessing the account in the future is aware. 


With regards to the issues you are currently experiencing with the service, we would want to do all we can to help get this resolved. If you could please confirm your handset make/model and any postcodes you experience the problem, we can look in to this further. 


Thank you 

