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I got a new ID mobile sim only sim about a month ago. I live in Oxford, UK. This network seems extremely unreliable for mobile data - often having no connection at all on 3g/4g/5g. I know the network was down 10/2/24, I have problems other times as well. For example on 17/2/24 I had no mobile internet most of the day, right now at work I have no mobile internet either. I’ve tried putting the sim in different handsets, restarting the phone and resetting the data connection.

Any help much appreciated

Is this issue happening everywhere, @lg123?

If you’ve noticed it’s mainly an issue at your work location, then perhaps the indoor coverage (signal reception) isn’t very good at that location. 

Otherwise, there might be network congestion on-and-off, or an ongoing network fault in that area. 

Check for faults online at


No it happens when I’m out and about as well.

I tried my work address in says no problem, my home address says “We're working on fixing an issue in this area at the moment. We're sorry for any disruption this may be causing.” So does a central Oxford postcode I tried.

What can I do?

Okay @lg123, it sounds like Three UK (the iD network partner) might be working on their cell towers and backhaul network in the Oxford area, in preparation for their 3G network switch-off (by end of 2024). 

I’d suspect if this works is happening, the mobile network may not be ideally setup for the data traffic / usage patterns in your area. 

If you’re using an Android handset, it could be worth checking you’re not using a strange Private DNS setup.

Ok I checked my DNS setup, I haven’t changed anything on my phone it is still on the default automatic Android mode. 

I’m hearing that there’s an unknown problem affecting my network reliability, with an unknown fix deadline, so my best bet would be to move network provider and this time check beforehand there are no problems in my area.

Thanks for your help

Okay @lg123, I’m not from iD Mobile, so my remarks could be incorrect. 

I guess it’s probably a good idea to check real-world signal reception before starting a long term contract.

I should have asked colleagues for sure, but I was moving to a new area and starting a new job. Lucky my contract is not long term.


I think mobile providers should make it clearer when their network is unreliable enough to be regularly not working, rather than “We're working on fixing an issue in this area at the moment. We're sorry for any disruption this may be causing.” which doesn’t tell you enough information to make a decision.

Hi @lg123 


I’m sorry to hear you’re having issues with your signal, please could you let us know the postcode(s) where you have issues?


Do you have better experience in other areas or is everywhere the same issue?


How long have you been having these issues?



I’ve had my new ID contact and sim for about 1 month. I live in OX14 5DL, I frequently visit OX1 3BG and have intermittent mobile data signal around these areas. Saturday 10/2/24 the whole network was down, Saturday 17/2/24 I was around the postcodes above and kept having no signal data connection at all in 60 minute chunks. Driving around my local area also has very intermittent data signal.


OX1 3BG is actually central Oxford, completely full of people and tourists all the time, a lot of people must be affected by this problem

I guess not everyone in the central Oxford area will be with a service provider, which relies on the Three UK network. 

Maybe Three UK will manage to have things fixed as soon as possible… 🤞


Hi @lg123 


Okay, how was signal in OX1 3BG between 10/02/24 and 17/02/24?


How is signal in OX14 5DL?


