As @Geluk has suggested, you can contact the Live Chat to request a PAC code or you can log-in to My Account Online. Tap 'Plan'. Tap 'Leave iD'. Tap 'Get PAC code' or 'Get STAC code'.
Are you asking for a PAC code to change to another network or do you just need a (dry) replacement? You only need to request a PAC code if you wish to move supplier. If it is because you just need a replacement, and you’re staying with iD Mobile, then use the Live chat and one of the agents will arrange for a replacement SIM to be sent to you within 2-3 days. Or, if you need a new SIM straight away, you can visit your nearest Currys store and get a free a replacement SIM.
Hope this helps x
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trying to get pac to go to new supp[ier with my old number cant get into my account because send security code to my mobile ----which i cant get phone does not work at all-----id mobile must be running country---loads of lies unable to get in touch