
Change to a cheaper tariff before end of contract?

  • 14 January 2024
  • 3 replies

I separated from my daughter’s mum in the middle of 2023, who set up my daughter’s ID account in my name in 2022 on a 24 month account, with a tariff whose data allowance she is hardly using. As I am now single and my daughter is living with me in my 1 bed flat, I need to cut my costs as much as possible - I tried therefore to downgrade her plan, but I was not given this option on the ID app - I suspect because her 24m contract does expire until July this year. Given my circumstances, however, is there a way I can downgrade before this date?

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @LucaHal 


Unfortunately downgrading to a cheaper tariff is only available once your contracted period has ended, if this is in July, we’d recommend checking the iD Mobile app/website while logged in for an upgrade to a SIM only plan at that time.



Hi Tom,


Regarding the above, as my daughter’s ID mobile plan is due to expire in July, I want to look at possible cheaper options before that time, so I am ready to select the right one upon expiration. As ID have changed their app and login process, however, I seem to not be able to access my daughter’s account without it sending her a text to confirm - I don’t however have access to her phone and she has currently blocked me from communicating with her. Is there another way around this? The original login details for my daughter’s account are as follows:




NAME: [REDACTED] (although the account might be in my name, Dan Hallington)


I have attempted to go through the re-registration process before it said about sending a text to my daughter’s phone, so you may have the new details I started to create:




NAME: (as above)


Her phone number is [REDACTED] - but can you please not contact her on this number, due to us currently not being in contact with each other?


If it would help, I can also tell you that with the current plan, a direct debit of £39.54 is being paid from my bank account each month, the latest payment having gone out 15.5.24.


Thank you for your help.




Dan Hallington


Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @LucaHal 


Please note not to include personal details of yourself or anybody else in your messages, this is the public forum where anybody can read this.


If you are the account holder, you’ll be able to use your details related to that account to register an app account, however if you do not have access to the mobile itself, you won’t receive the text verification. I would recommend picking up a replacement SIM card from your local Currys store and activating that here.


However, note the activation of another SIM card would deactivate the currently active one.


You wouldn’t be able to browse our SIMO upgrade options before the contracted term end date, only on/after.


