
I have not received my currys voucher of £100

  • 1 December 2022
  • 76 replies

Userlevel 1

I have read the community and I keep seeing that everyone is being private messaged. I bought my phone as part of an upgrade and haven’t received the £100 voucher. Please let me know what it is I need to do. The phone was bought directly via your website and I have an email telling me that this was part of the package I believe 


Best answer by Powerhous 7 December 2022, 12:00

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76 replies

Userlevel 3

Yup. Two hours left until the deadline they've been constantly quoting here has been met - which might I add was not mentioned anywhere during my purchase. If I haven't received anything by then I'm definitely going to be escalating this further as well. The lack of professionalism and utter disregard to the issue iD have displayed here is astounding.

Userlevel 1

I would advise taking a screenshot of the terms and conditions of the deal and screenshots of this thread in case it's deleted after the deadline, which probably won't be met given the lateness of the hour. 

Userlevel 3

Good shout, cheers @TheFeds

Userlevel 3

Well, the answer is most likely no, but for fairness sake, did anyone receive theirs now that it's the 30th? I certainly did not.

Userlevel 2

Well, the answer is most likely no, but for fairness sake, did anyone receive theirs now that it's the 30th? I certainly did not.

I didn’t 

Userlevel 1

Sadly I haven't received the voucher. I'm not sure where we stand on breach of contract. I'll have to do more research but at the very least we should be getting compensated. Sadly you will need to spend hours with their woeful chat system in order to speak with a human being about it. 

Adding my name to the list of Pixel 7 Customers awaiting their Currys Voucher.

Userlevel 1

@Kash @Tom have you got an update on this you previously advised it would be sent 30days after the promotion closed which has now passed.

Is there an email address we should contact to complain to as no one has seemed to receive their voucher.

This was the main reason I chose ID as many other providers has a similar monthly plan price and the voucher made me choose ID.


Userlevel 1

Contacted the live chat service from ID.  They told me to  contact Currys direct as its their responsability to issue apparently  They arnt interested.  Ive raised a complaint for breach of contract with ID and will take 7 working days to hear back.  I suggest you all do the same


The no they gave for Currys is  0344 561 6789 .  Im too busy to chase this just now (frankly shouldnt have to) but I would appreciate it if someone could feedback hear if they have any success,  

Userlevel 1

I also have this issue. Got the pixel 7 deal on 27/11 and still no gift card. If this doesn't get resolved soon and there is any collective action taking place I would happily add my name to the list. 


Update. Just been in touch with ID we chat. They apologized and said the vouchers should be sent today. 


Userlevel 1

For completness I have attached the screenshot of my chat below. No consistent message from ID. They seem to be hit or miss.  However someone else was assured that they would be sending out the vouchers to arrive yesterday evening and that didnt materialse so woudnt get hopes up.



Userlevel 1

Hopefully your last contact with ID was correct. I spoke with curry's and they put me through to carphone warehouse who in turn are now sending me a confirmation of purchase email with a link to apparently 'claim' this £100 voucher. However the employee I spoke to didn't fill me with confidence that she knew what I was fully asking about. Hopefully the vouchers just get sent out by ID like they should have been done in the first place instead of sending people through various hoops to get it and getting different answers from different reps when speaking online.


All very frustrating

Userlevel 1

Updated message from ID 5 minutes ago


Hi Ryan, we've got an update on this one. The back office team have said there's a slight delay in sending the giftcards out. They've let us know that everyone who are experiencing delays will receive these by the end of next week, though it's likely to be sooner. -Lauren

Userlevel 1

Thanks for the update but that's not really acceptable if true. Reason being the sales are on now and we are missing out.   I would urge everyone to put in a complaint and maybe they will give us some compensation in the form of discount to monthly bill or something. 

Userlevel 1

I'm currently contacting the consumer ombudsman to see what my options are

Userlevel 4

@AlexG10000  funny you share that and they've told you it will definitely be sent today. Because I chased it with their live chat today and was told they have "escalated" it and I should receive a response back within 48 hours! And I also purchased mine on the 27/11/2022 the same day as you.

It seems there is something definitely very wrong with this whole situation, as if they are intentionally making it as difficult as they possibly can in the hopes customers will just give up and not claim the voucher. Everyone is being told different things, the advice being given isn't correct, people are being directed to different departments and companies (i.e Currys, Carphone Warehouse)...complete and utter incompetence on ID-Mobiles side.

@Kash @Tom you're both normally very vocal and responsive, how very strange that both of you have now gone quiet? 

Userlevel 1

@Powerhous they arnt responsive possibly because they marked the thread as ‘solved’ a few days ago.  Misleading as it clearly isnt solved at all.

Userlevel 1

Just started a new thread as this one says solved. Hopefully we'll get a reply but no holding my breath.


Userlevel 4

@TheFeds possibly in fairness, should we both start a new thread too? @Chivell I'll comment on your other one

Userlevel 1

No point in spamming new threads.  One that @Chivell  crated should be enough.  Looking at the wording of the terms and conditions ‘post 30 days’ to receive the voucher could mean anytime after 30 days. So could be tomorrow, could be next year…... I think they will use this to get around the situation. 

Userlevel 2

No point in spamming new threads.  One that @Chivell  crated should be enough.  Looking at the wording of the terms and conditions ‘post 30 days’ to receive the voucher could mean anytime after 30 days. So could be tomorrow, could be next year…... I think they will use this to get around the situation. 

There is a point - when the only posts that appear are ones concerning this issue, it will be patently obvious that there’s a problem that needs to be addressed. If there’s only one thread, it will be more easily dismissed.

Userlevel 1

By all means feel free. I'm just not investing any more time in this than I feel is necessary. 

Well after phoning yet again, i get “i will ask the promotions team to look at it and get back to you” more bull no one did, and have found the offer and page saved it, nothing about signing up to anything.

Will be calling the Complains line later: 03333381001

Userlevel 4

No point in spamming new threads.  One that @Chivell  crated should be enough.  Looking at the wording of the terms and conditions ‘post 30 days’ to receive the voucher could mean anytime after 30 days. So could be tomorrow, could be next year…... I think they will use this to get around the situation. 

There is a point - when the only posts that appear are ones concerning this issue, it will be patently obvious that there’s a problem that needs to be addressed. If there’s only one thread, it will be more easily dismissed.

@JPE23  That is exactly my thought process.  The more open threads there are with the exact same issue, the more chances there is of something being actioned.

Complete and utter false/misleading advertising they are doing. If this was for a £10 voucher I probably would have left it, but this is £100! No way people are going to let this slide.

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi everyone,


Unfortunately there is a delay with the gift cards being issued, you should receive these by 08/01/23, we can only apologise at the moment for this, if you haven’t received it by then please let us know.

