After 6 hours of trying to chat online with ID, I finally communicated with them. Like many others, the network going down could not come at a worse time, I explained that I was in hospital yesterday when it went down and I could not make, received or access voicemail. ID didn't care!
On top of that, my flat was due to sold yesterday and I was waiting for my solicitor to give me a Passover completion time. He could do this and several messages were left, which I could not access...ID didn't care!
I was offered no apology, just "we were not the only network to have issues" sob story. As a member of the older generation, I don't bother with social media etc, so between 1:30 and 6pm, I thought it was my phone that was the problem. Thankfully a nurse is in ID and she told me she was having issues too.
So, after 5 hours if misery yesterday and over 1 hour in the chat this morning, ID offered me £5 off my next bill. I refused so they offered me £15 not to escalate, I refused, then £20 not to escalate my complaint. I want ID to waste time investing my complaint, my contract ends in March so it's more of, how seriously do ID value their customers.
Not one apology! Now that proves ID also have 'no connection' with their customers!