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Hello I use ID Mobile and I have have contract for over 2 years now. It is not in my name because my credit rating is poor and it is in my mums name however I've been given permission for full access on the account. My bill is paid on time around 25th every month, without fail. There has been a few times I've tried making calls and it isn't working cutting me off giving me a error message. This has happened again 12 minutes ago not allowing me to make any outbound/ outgoing calls telling me "Sorry, Your Service Does Not Allow Access To This Number".


What is going off? Why is this happening? And is there anything I can do to fix this myself?


I'm seeing previous reports of this in threads, neither of which explains how I can manually fix this issue myself. And if it is a system error or update it needs to be done in 1 of 2 ways, which are the following: 1. Allow all customers to continue to make calls or texts even if there is a system update or system error. OR 2. Send all customers a notification or text to inform them how you should legally that services will be restricted until the issue is fixed".


I don't appreciate needing to make a call and my network or ID applying restrictions to my outgoings or incoming calls. Neither is acceptable. If it happens again, for that month I will pull back my monthly direct debit I pay for this contract and keep it as compensation due to the inconvenience, anxiety and detrimental effect it has had to my mental health causing me distress.


Just to add I've tried 3 different numbers. Only needed to call one but tried a mobile number, a landline number and also a 08 free number to double check it is all numbers.  Neither worked. (I never tried this before now). However if no numbers are working I guess its a good job I don't need to call any emergency services isnt it. Otherwise I'd be fucked because I'm a single parent and would have no working phone able to call out 


Please can someone from ID Mobile Technical Support Team message me to obtain contact details on order to call me about this issue. I will repeat. This is not the first time experiencing this issue. I did 2 years ago, 1 and half yrs ago, and about 7 months ago. Now again today. Do you deem this acceptable? Given then fact you received payments every month on time by direct debit. There needs to be something in place which stops this happening to customers especially on 5 different occasions, that's taking the piss tbh la. Change you software or systems if your gonna say they are the reason why, at least everyone can have a smooth-running experience being able to call at any time. 



Morning @Maka1992,

Sorry to hear you're having issues, is this still ongoing. Please do not cancel any Direct Debits as this will cause your services to be blocked altogether.

Have you tried a NETWORK SETTINGS RESET? This seems to have worked for other users? We do have network outages from time to time, but we do notify customers through the Community platform.


Hi 👋 Matthew T thanks for responding to my thread. Erm nah currently I'm not experiencing these issues. It happened for duration of about 6 hrs from 11pm until about 5am maybe 6am. I wasn't able to call anyone at all with it telling me "your service does not allow access to this number". It has happened prior to this aswell and will happen once every 3 months or more. I have never tried resetting network settings snd tbh I don't even know how to either. But if your admitting you do occasionally have outages. What is the reason for this? If you guys know in head office that there are glitches or network errors and outages why do you charge us the full bill for the month when you know and have admitted there network errors from time to time. What are you doing or putting on place as a company to stop this happening or at least reduce the amount of times it happens. Try changing software or something 🤔 🤷‍♂️ but your 'ID Mobile' is not exactly a reliable contract/ network provider and regularly have network issues without compensating customers due to these neglectful issues. (I say neglectful as you as a company know of network errors and failures or occasional network outages. And yet you do nothing to rectify this issue or stop it occurring persistently how it does currently). I'm guessing the software was probably updating itself just after midnight giving me the errors I had when trying to call. My bank can update 1am and won't allow me to log in sometimes when updates happening. So I get it to a extent if that was reasons why. 

Hey @Maka1992. We at iD don’t own the Network infrastructure, our partners (Three) 3UK do. They invest heavily in the reliability and performance of their infrastructure, but like every UK network, do experience the odd issue here and there. We are notified of these issues, and always put a notice on this Community, along with a strip banner at the top of the site with a Customer Notice. Thanks.
