Hi, I could use a hand with payments / Direct Debits please.
I have 2 plans on my profile and I tried to move one account over to a new bank account via direct debit. Set it all up just fine, the date of payment comes around, the payment “doesn’t work”. I get threatening emails from the system saying I need to pay immediately or the debt collectors will be around.
I logged into the system, it shows a failed payment but immediately shows a successful payment on the same day. Regardless, I settle the bill manually in case it didn’t go out. At this point the system doesn’t register I’ve paid manually and still refuses to let me set up a direct debit.
On talking to the live chat, the person I’m speaking to can see and confirms the direct debit details via taking the last 3 digits of the new bank account. So the details ARE on the system, but it won’t show me them and states no DD is in place.
What is going on? All the live chat agent could tell me is “how to setup a Direct Debit” which I’ve clearly already done once and it has failed. I now seem to have paid twice for a service as 2 payments are listed as successful on my account, but I have no active DD in place and no faith this won’t happen again next month.
Really not amused with being threatened by debt collection when this is blatantly not my fault, as the live chat agent confirmed the system has my updated DD details, but just hasn’t made one. What do I do other than just leave and go somewhere else?