Hi so for the past few months, I've constantly been in contact with ID mobile on the live chat about the error I've been experiencing when trying to manually pay my bill, I'll enter everything correctly and then it will just come up with a red border saying "Oops... Something went wrong, try again later". The agent I spoke to about it initially was very nice and assured me I will not get in trouble due to it being a issue with I'd systems, I gave it the benefit of the doubt due to the recent update to the systems but it's wayy too long, I have screenshots from March/April with this issue.
Amongst this, I have a direct debit as well that HASN'T been taking the money out of my bank account ever since I joined, every detail is correct and I always have the money in my account.
This has been happening for MONTHS now and I'm getting really annoying and worried my bill isn't being paid and I will end up in debt.
Please say someone else is having issues and please can someone actually sort this out so I can start paying my bills manually again because I've been on top of everything since I've joined, it's my first contract and I hate debt so please can someone help me.