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Bill paid still cut off 

Your bill might now be paid, but was it paid on time? Set up a direct debit and problems like this won’t happen, not to mention, your credit rating will love you! In the meantime, speak to a live chat agent and ask them to confirm payment and lift the bar.


Hi @Daniel Zanettacci,

Welcome to the Community!

I hope that your bar is now lifted and your services are now working.

If you require further assistance, please let us know.



I had this the other day. It cut me off, because the direct debit had gone through on the second attempt (same day) not first. I had to pay the bill again, via debit card, to get services restored, and then it took 16 hours. Now I’m trying to get a refund of the extra bill payment, but their live chat is abysmal. I’ve wasted three hours so far.

Hi @Alcie 


I’m sorry you feel this way, do you still require assistance with this?


If so, please let us know here so we can get in touch.


