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premium rate numbers

  • 24 May 2024
  • 7 replies

I was prevented from calling a number today because it was apparently a premium rate number. The message said I could increase my price cap if I wanted to call it. The issue is, is that I know for sure it was not premium rate as I checked it against the Government website on premium rate codes. This is not the first time this has happened. Why are ID Mobile telling me I can’t ring numbers because they are premium rate when they are not?

7 replies

Userlevel 8
Badge +7

Hi @Ali Bally,

Welcome to the Community!

It’s likely that it’s a call not included in your allowances.

Can you confirm the number the first 4 digits of the number and we can check it out?



Userlevel 1

It’s a local Barnsley number 01226. My partner who is also with ID had no issues ringing this number, his price cap is set to 0, same as mine. I managed to ring this number this morning and got through, so I asked them if it was a premium rate number and she said no.

Userlevel 5
Badge +6

Hey there @Ali Bally, with some phone numbers, it may be classed as “Premium”, however, they won’t actually be charged.


Therefore, for these numbers, the Premium SMS/Calls feature needs to be activated on the app/website to allow the call to go through, even though you’re not being charged for it.


Please try enabling premium features and let us know if the call will work?


Thank you,


Userlevel 1

Hi Tyler, “premium” is toggled on and always has been.

Userlevel 8
Badge +6

Hi @Ali Bally 


We’ll shortly send you a Private Message to your Community account, so we can discuss your issue further. 


To access your messages, click your profile picture in the top right hand corner and then click ‘Private Messages’. 


Alternatively, if you are currently logged in, you can use the following link:  


We’ll see you there. 



Userlevel 1

No need. Thanks.

Userlevel 5
Badge +6

Hey there @Ali Bally, no problem! Have a great day!



