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Hello, I am currently texting and calling to Greece, which I know incurs extra charges. I received a message that I have used 80% of my cap, but I cannot find anywhere (website or mobile app) a breakdown where I can monitor how much of my cap I have currently used, and what charges I have incurred.

Where do I see that information in the current month?



Hey there @parapadakis, welcome to Community!


Unfortunately, you cannot view how much of your cap/data you used in terms of roaming/international usage. You will receive a text when you’ve used 80% of whatever your bill cap is set to, so you can work out 80% of that, and then another when/if you reach 100% of your cap, meaning you can’t text to Greece anymore unless you increase your bill cap.


Thank you,


Thanks for the response Tyler. If I have set my capp limit to £25, then I don’t have the option to increase it any further.

Furthermore, this is the warning text that you receive in the case you describe:


As per my original post, there is no method available to “check...] regularly to monitor any out-of-plan spend” as the warning suggests. You suddenly hit your limit and then you’re stuck.



Hi @parapadakis 


Thanks for letting us know, we’ll feed this back.


