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Unable to access voicemail messages

Hi. I've been with idMobile for months and successfully using voicemail but today I am unable to access it. If I phone the voicemail number it says it's calling but doesn't connect. I have tried 123, holding down 1 to connect and the actual voicemail number and it's not connecting. All my settings appear to be fine. The idMobile app also doesn't appear to be working. Any ideas anyone?

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  • Author
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  • 3 replies
  • January 23, 2025

Looks like I can't make or receive any calls now. Is this a general outage affecting everyone?

iD Mobile Employee
  • iD Mobile Employee
  • 3054 replies
  • January 24, 2025

Hey there ​@Fossil6091


We're aware of a network wide issue that was affecting services, and we believe this has now improved for most customers, so please restart your phone and attempt to call. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused, and really appreciate your patience.


Updates can be found here:




  • Active Contributor
  • 8 replies
  • February 1, 2025

Sat 1/2/24. Cannot get into voicemail using the normal 07782 333123.

Just says ringing but goes nowhere.

Have checked Tyler's above link...says all fine but it's not.

Is there alternative number to call?  Other ideas please?


iD Mobile Employee
  • iD Mobile Employee
  • 3054 replies
  • February 3, 2025

Hey there ​@Ruggy, sorry to hear that.


What happens when you try calling voicemail?


Are you following the below steps?


To listen to your voicemail you'll just to follow these simple steps:

  1. Dial 123 from your iD mobile, or +447782 333 123 from any other phone.
  2. You'll be asked to enter your PIN followed by the '#' key.
  3. Select option 2, to listen to your voicemail




  • Active Contributor
  • 8 replies
  • February 3, 2025

Vmt Tyler.

The above mobile goes nowhere. Ditto with 123.

Fyi, when I get text from i.d. saying to go to voicemail, it automatically gives the above mobile...which obviously goes nowhere.  It just won't connect altho it says it's dialling.


Any further ideas hugely welcomed 

Thks hugely.


  • iD Mobile Employee
  • 1888 replies
  • February 5, 2025

Hi ​@Ruggy 


Thanks for your reply. 

When you go in to the iD Mobile app and select services, is the Voicemail option showing as off or on?





  • Active Contributor
  • 8 replies
  • February 5, 2025

Hi Nat

Vmt. I can't use the app on this mobile.

Snapshot below is what the Text I get if I need to listen to a message. Fyi, the "untrusted network" message is just because I borrowed someone's phone to dial the 07782 333123 message service.

I can call it via a Different phone, but that's hopeless as I rarely have access to another phone.  So currently I  can't get my mobile to connect to the 07782 333123 NOR 123!!😈

I've not had problems recently picking up messages altho last autumn I couldn't get it to connect for about a week 😱.

In desperation, if the above cannot be fixed, is there a way to DISCONNECT the answerphone element when I CANNOT get into the system so at least no one can leave me messages??

Many thanks 



Gold Contributor
  • Gold Contributor
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  • February 5, 2025
Ruggy wrote:


Hi Nat

Vmt. I can't use the app on this mobile.


Out of interest ​@Ruggy what phone are you using?

I know iD recently changed the minimum requirement for their App to iOS 16 or above but its still Android 9 and up.


Ruggy wrote:


In desperation, if the above cannot be fixed, is there a way to DISCONNECT the answerphone element when I CANNOT get into the system so at least no one can leave me messages??

Many thanks 



Yes we have the ability to turn it off. In your case you’d have to go via the online account portal

  1. Log-in to My Account Online.
  2. Tap/click on ‘Plan’.
  3. Scroll down and tap/click on ‘Manage your iD services’.
  4. Toggle Voicemail off (on has a blue background, off is grey).
  5. Scroll down and tap ‘Save’
  6. After at least 10 minutes restart the phone

To turn it back on just toggle it back on and click save (many don’t spot the save as on some phones its hidden further down the visible page)


Also on that image your phones signal looks non existent. Are you having any calling issues?

iD Mobile Employee
  • iD Mobile Employee
  • 3054 replies
  • February 6, 2025

Hey there ​@Ruggy, thank you for that.


As kindly asked by ​@Daz_S, what phone do you have please, just so we can look into that further?


If the issue still persists, we’d be happy to drop you a PM to investigate further and potentially raise to our technical team.




  • Active Contributor
  • 8 replies
  • February 6, 2025

Hi Daz and Tyler 

Vmthks . 

Screenshot below is my phone.

As mentioned, I've not been 'barred'' from accessing voicemail for a prolonged period before.  Surely it's a basic function that should be accessible at all times and any model of phone???

Fyi, I found in device help so I've just tried pressing the phone icon and then holding '1' goes to the voicemail screen but just shows it's dialling and goes the same problem.


I'll try logging in and following Daz's instructions but as mother died last week, am run ragged until weekend.

I'm with three for internet 

  • Active Contributor
  • 8 replies
  • February 6, 2025

...sent it before finished...grrr!

I'm with Three WiFi or WiFi... regularly fairly terrible speeds...but been able to connect to voicemail even with slow speeds in the past.

Hope fault can be found,fixed asap as nightmare if I can't pick up msgs!!!


Gold Contributor
  • Gold Contributor
  • 1627 replies
  • February 7, 2025

So you’ve got Three home internet?

That might be an issue, as your mobile phone does show it has no signal (via iDM) then there’s a chance Three’s signal is also just as poor. And I wonder if this is playing a part. If you’re away from home (say at another postcode) can you call your VM fine? If so then is this issue only at home?

I have no clue, so pure speculation - maybe there’s a configuration blip being as both services run on the 3UK infrastructure.

I’m assuming you have VoLTE enabled on your phone?

You could try this - enable Wi-Fi calling, put the phone into airplane/flight mode, toggle just the Wi-Fi back on and try to make a call to your VM (by doing this you remove the iDM signal out of the equation). If it works then we’re part way there. Just remember to turn off airplane/flight mode.

Another thing is to try this - leave the phone how its normally set but put it into airplane/flight mode, power cycle (← posh for switching off and on) the router, allow the router to fully reboot and then restart the phone. Once this has finished rebooting (if it stayed on) toggle airplane/flight  mode off, can you call your VM now?

Gold Contributor
  • Gold Contributor
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  • February 10, 2025
Ruggy wrote:

Hi Daz and Tyler 

Vmthks . 

Screenshot below is my phone.

As mentioned, I've not been 'barred'' from accessing voicemail for a prolonged period before.  Surely it's a basic function that should be accessible at all times and any model of phone???

Fyi, I found in device help so I've just tried pressing the phone icon and then holding '1' goes to the voicemail screen but just shows it's dialling and goes the same problem.


I'll try logging in and following Daz's instructions but as mother died last week, am run ragged until weekend.

I'm with three for internet 


The post I’ve quoted above was only showing today. ‘It’ happens from time to time.


Firstly I am very sorry to hear of your mother’s passing. So I’ll keep this very much to the point - according to iD Mobile’s compatibility list the Motorola C10 is NOT on the list, so this might be part of the issue.


And regarding the iD Mobile App, it won’t work on your device as the minimum spec is Android 9 and above.


Anyway, sorry again, come back when you’re ready.


  • Active Contributor
  • 8 replies
  • February 12, 2025

Wed 12/2/25.

Hello Daz and other kind contributors.

Very many thanks.

I’ve given up...too complicated.  I had a brain injury a few years ago & have no income or Govt support so funds very can’t upgrade phone etc….trapped!

I’ve logged in via my laptop Daz following the procedure you suggested and DISABLED Voicemail. 

Will restart phone after a while and ask my sister to test calling the mobile. 

Hopefully it’ll all work  so at least NO ONE can leave a message!

Thanks again.

  • Active Contributor
  • 8 replies
  • February 12, 2025

Wed 12/2/25.

Hello Daz and other kind contributors.

Very many thanks.

I’ve given up...too complicated.  I had a brain injury a few years ago & have no income or Govt support so funds very can’t upgrade phone etc….trapped!

I’ve logged in via my laptop Daz following the procedure you suggested and DISABLED Voicemail. 

Will restart phone after a while and ask my sister to test calling the mobile. 

Hopefully it’ll all work  so at least NO ONE can leave a message!

Thanks again.

Gold Contributor
  • Gold Contributor
  • 1627 replies
  • February 13, 2025
Ruggy wrote:

Wed 12/2/25.

Hello Daz and other kind contributors.

Very many thanks.

Honestly, no problem at all.


Ruggy wrote:

I’ve given up...too complicated.  I had a brain injury a few years ago & have no income or Govt support so funds very can’t upgrade phone etc….trapped!

Sorry to hear about your injury. I know how that feels as I’ve got ‘things’ going off between my ears too.


Hang on. You should have been entitled to help, via PIP and CB or IR ESA or new style ESA and/or UC. I wished I could help you more with this but this isn’t the best place. So i would say seek help when applying, some charities and places like the CAB should be able to help you with filling out the forms. Anything is better than nothing.


Ruggy wrote:

I’ve logged in via my laptop Daz following the procedure you suggested and DISABLED Voicemail. 

Will restart phone after a while and ask my sister to test calling the mobile. 

Hopefully it’ll all work  so at least NO ONE can leave a message!

Thanks again.

I’ve personally not had voicemail for 12+ years. I do however have calling waiting enabled so I know when someone is trying to call if I’m currently on a call. Other than that if I reject a call they get the engaged tone or if my signal is bad they get an automated response saying the phone you’re calling is not available and it tells them to try again later. all of that combined cuts out a lot of spam callers.


edit. iD do sell refurbished phones if this is something you may want to explore in the future, funds permitted.

  • iD Mobile Employee
  • 1888 replies
  • February 16, 2025

Hi ​@Ruggy 


We are very sorry this is not yet resolved. 

Would you like us to send you a private message so that we may look in to this further for you? 



