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4G connection?

  • 24 May 2024
  • 6 replies

Recently moved to ID, phone says 4G but can never get an internet connection. Any ideas? 

Hi there. I've recently moved over from another network and am also having this issue with 4g connectivity.

I have noticed on frequent occasions that I have a 4g connection with sometimes almost full bars but no internet connection at all.

At the moment I am in Tenby in my motorhome and to get a signal where I am Ive had to force my handset onto 3g where the internet works on a 1 bar connection although I see the 3g will soon be cut off also.

When I moved from my last network to ID I did expect to have possibly worse coverage and some slower speeds. I thought I had reasonable expectations but on so many occasions the data connection is completely unusable not just worse.

I have had a quick search on this forum to try and find some answers but the posts I have seen so far just have someone responding that for people in their cooling off period maybe they should leave.

Is there anyone that has a more constructive response than this? Is this issue acknowledged by ID mobile and are there any plans to resolve anything?



So I just switched back to 4g to see if any better as 810am and shouldn't be network congestion issues this early but this is what I am getting on 2 bars of 4g

Here is my result from same position if I force 3g network 

Being looked at 👍

Recently moved to ID, phone says 4G but can never get an internet connection. Any ideas? 

Does this happen only in certain areas? If so, This sounds like a classic Congestion issue. This is when the masts get overloaded. ID Mobile uses Three UK which means it’s their infrastructure that has to go wrong. It’s worth seeing

  1.  if there’s a issue on the network status checker 
  1. Giving ID a message reporting a network issue. They’ll then talk to Three UK and hopefully get the issue solved. 

Good luck 

Hi @Rixy79, I’m sorry to hear you’re experiencing issues with your coverage. Coverage can vary per area and there are many factors that can impact this.

It’s possible that 3UK is not as strong in your local area which could be why the coverage is affected. If it’s occurring everywhere you go, the issue points more likely to a handset or SIM fault.

However, from your screenshot, this suggests that this is a temporary local outage. Just so that you’re aware, the website itself updates every half an hour with any new information, and will let you know once the issue has been resolved if this hasn’t been rectified already.

