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Trying to have my complaint investigated, I have lots of signal, but maps don't load, web pages don't load, apps don't work.

The clown who took the complaint has noted down a post code where I have these issues, this is incorrect as it happens all around the country, trying to have this rectified and customer services cut my call short.

They don't call you back, emails are answered with a phone number that you can call, but they cut you off and don't return the call.

This is disgusting, I am fed up of paying miles over the going rate, for a service I can't even use.


Anyone else having issues? I am struggling to do my job without a phone that works where ever I am in the country.

Sorry to hear about your problems, @AHawes82

My experience is opposite - calls, texts and data all working okay for me in the locations I use my smartphone.


Hi @AHawes82 


If the issue you’re having extends absolutely everywhere you go this doesn’t sound like a coverage issue, however more a device or SIM card issue.


Have you tried a replacement SIM card?


Have you tried your SIM in another device?



The device is perfect, works fine everywhere, apart from the places where it doesn't work.

Having spoken to customer services, after days of trying, found someone understanding and with some decent knowledge, they have solved the issue and so have been able to get out of my contract early due to these faults.

Thanks for the input, I had tried other SIM cards, that seemed to help at the time, then it returned to normal poor patchy service.

If the device was faulty it wouldn't only fail in certain places.

Hi @AHawes82,

Welcome to the Community!

Sorry to hear that you are leaving.

Please do let us know if there is anything else we can help with and we can assist you further.



Hi @AHawes82,

Welcome to the Community!

Sorry to hear that you are leaving.

Please do let us know if there is anything else we can help with and we can assist you further.



well seeing as your team couldnt help, they said they would clear my account so there was nothing to pay…. now i have a final bill to pay…. seems ID just dont want to let you go… 

Hey there @AHawes82, we’re sorry to hear that.


Is there anything else we can help you with?




now i have cut all ties with ID mobile, i am much better off.
My phone now works, everywhere… everywhere i had issues with ID mobile, no issues with new provider, even where I know theres low signal, I can find some signal…. 

ID is trash, customer service is worse than the network coverage it promises and cant provide.

Thanks for asking Tyler, but I am now DONE with ID mobile, wont let any of my friends or family fall into the same trap either. 

