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No network coverage

I now have a contract with ID that I can't use.  I have no network coverage at all. Ive tried my sim in other phones - doesn't work. 

I've put my phone on aeroplane mode and back to normal - doesn't work. 

I've powered my phone off and back on - still doesn't work. 

Checked the area for network problems, there is none - my phone still doesn't work. 

I've tried contacting ID what a joke. The live chat is ridiculous.  

I'm so frustrated I have a contract and can't use it. Absolutely shockin

10 replies

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  • February 3, 2025

I am in the same distress. the network used to work sort of but since around xmas 90 percent of the time i have around 3mb of data if any and no one can tell what i am saying as the reception of my phone signal is crap. i would like to leave ID as i see no point in a network i cant use atoll but object to having to pay up for the privilege. in fact i think id should owe me some money. if i don't get any satisfaction i think i shall raise my concern with the ombudsman?

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  • February 4, 2025

Hi there ​@DONNASMITH 


<snipped> I now have a contract with ID that I can't use.  I have no network coverage at all. Ive tried my sim in other phones - doesn't work.

I’d have stopped at that point. If the SIM isn’t working on other phones too (and those phones are UK models, unlocked to all networks and have no service provider software limitations) it really does sound like you need a replacement SIM - you can pick one up for free from any Currys store and then you should be able to activate it via the app or online account.




I've tried contacting ID what a joke. The live chat is ridiculous.  

I'm so frustrated I have a contract and can't use it. Absolutely shockin


When enduring live chat if you write talk to person this should bypass their automated chat bot.

  • iD Mobile Employee
  • 1871 replies
  • February 4, 2025



Thank you for getting in touch with us here on the community. 


We are very sorry to hear you are experiencing issues with the service. 

As ​@Daz_S has advised, as you have tested the SIM in another handset and it didn’t work, it would imply that the issue is with the SIM itself. 


Have you been able to speak to the Live Chat team? If not, please let us know and we will pop you over a private message. 





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  • February 4, 2025
Preston Paul wrote:

I am in the same distress. the network used to work sort of but since around xmas 90 percent of the time i have around 3mb of data if any and no one can tell what i am saying as the reception of my phone signal is crap. i would like to leave ID as i see no point in a network i cant use atoll but object to having to pay up for the privilege. in fact i think id should owe me some money. if i don't get any satisfaction i think i shall raise my concern with the ombudsman?

Your post must have been caught by the forums spam system - nothing you said it just happens Paul. It was released earlier today.


That sounds familiar. In the day my speed (and signal strength) is dire, from around 2am its absolutely blooming great. What could have happened (as its happening here) is that every man and his dog are now connecting to 4G and currently it simply can’t cope. Many of us (I’m an idiot and like to be different so I don’t) have to utilise Wi-Fi calling if we have home/work internet and for the most part this overcomes the problem (it doesn’t solve it).

I’m assuming your phone is set up for VoLTE, as we now need this?

You could put in a formal complaint and if/when they issue a deadlock letter they may (no harm in asking) agree to waive any termination fees if you can demonstrate the service is continuously on the fritz - but note they have it in their terms and conditions that they don’t guarantee coverage.

  • New
  • 3 replies
  • February 4, 2025

the sim works fine when i travel 30 miles to a different location. what i want to know is how i leave ID  since the signal has been unusable for weeks and does not perform any where near as well as it did 12 months ago? i don't feel it is reasonable to have pay till the end of my contract a penalty for leaving?


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  • February 5, 2025

Same thing here Paul (though around 8 miles for me). Ironically over in Europe my signal was full strength in 3 different countries and thus IMHO this only highlights just how bad the UK’s is.

From memory their terms mention that we need to raise any network faults within 6 months of first noticing - but in your case maybe it got worse within the last 6 months (if you follow what I’m saying) so you didn’t bother 12 months ago.


Firstly it would be advisable to raise this via their Live Chat or their socials

Their Live Chat team are available 9am - 8pm Monday to Friday,  and 9am - 6pm Saturday, Sunday, and Bank Holidays - It might be worth, after filling out the required fields, to type talk to person to bypass their automated chat bot - this is a typing based format

Via their social channels tag @iD Mobile on Facebook / @iD_Mobile_UK on X


To make a complaint


I have no clue if they will end up waiving any ETF’s or not, but good luck.

  • iD Mobile Employee
  • 1871 replies
  • February 5, 2025

Hello ​@Preston Paul 


Thanks for getting back to us. 

We understand you have requested to leave but if you are within a contract period, as it stands, you would be charged termination fees. 

We would recommend first trying either a replacement SIM or that we raise the matter with our technical team to investigate further. 


Please let us know how you wish to proceed. 





  • New
  • 3 replies
  • February 5, 2025

The point is that the sim works better than expected miles away near a different tower. It isn't the sim on that basis! The signal was usable until after I renewd/ took on a new contract. The work you are doing on the tower has rendered my phone useless and I need it as a carer. Your network is not fit for purpose at present and I would ask that you release me unpenalsed as it is the none existent service that is driving me away . I would be happy to stay if the damp thing worked. Time is of the essence . What are you willing to offer me in compensation as your representative offered me?

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  • 1628 replies
  • February 5, 2025
Preston Paul wrote:

The point is that the sim works better than expected miles away near a different tower. It isn't the sim on that basis! The signal was usable until after I renewd/ took on a new contract.

Notwithstanding the fact this is highly likely a localised issue, when you renewed/took out a new contract, did you get a new SIM sent out? If not have you tried a replacement SIM yet (and is your current SIM in slot1 in the phone)?


Preston Paul wrote:

The work you are doing on the tower has rendered my phone useless and I need it as a carer. Your network is not fit for purpose at present

I’m not one to defend iD Mobile but you’re barking up the wrong tree. iD Mobile are simply a MVNO using Three UK’s infrastructure and its 3UK whom are screwing up the towers/network. But yes being as we pay iD for the service we have to point the finger at them. Any decent human being working for iD must be just as frustrated as us when they rock up to work in the morning and see how many posts/replies there are regarding signal issues. We can’t all be making this up!


Preston Paul wrote:

and I would ask that you release me unpenalsed as it is the none existent service that is driving me away . I would be happy to stay if the damp thing worked. Time is of the essence . What are you willing to offer me in compensation as your representative offered me?

I would have to say the only way to leave with any chance of not getting leaving fees would be via their complaints team (obviously pure speculation) but if the phone is on contract you’d need to return that. I’m not sure how compo is going to fix the signal issue.

When did you take out the latest contract and was it a 12 or 24 month contract?

(I understand your reply was not meant for me, but I’m only trying to help a fellow customer)

iD Mobile Employee
  • iD Mobile Employee
  • 2974 replies
  • February 6, 2025

Hey there ​@Preston Paul, sorry to hear that.


What’s the full postcode please?


How long have you had issues for now?


