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No phone signal or access to 4G and 5G!

  • 13 May 2024
  • 3 replies

I have been with ID mobile for over 2 years and up until recently everything had been fine. For the past 5 days I have completely lost all phone signal! I am also unable to access 4G or 5G. This has happened for a few hours before at most but not 5 days! 

My phone is working fine in other ways (connects to wifi, apps work, all hardware is good etc.) but it is making work very challenging. I will have to find a new provider very soon if this isn’t fixed. Does anyone have any ideas of what could be the issue?

Are you in the Midlands area where Three UK (the iD network partner) have switched off their 3G network, @Amyrobbie


Hi there, thank you for the response. I am actually! Would this have an effect on phone signal and 4G/5G access?


Okay @Amyrobbie, your handset might not be approved by iD Mobile for their 4G & 5G network. 

See iD approved handsets at

Have you tried: 

  1. Turn off handset
  2. Remove SIM card
  3. Wait at least 15-minutes
  4. Insert SIM card 
  5. Restart handset

