
Sorry, your service does not allow access to this number

Userlevel 2

PLEASE can someone answer this message for me.  I work for a charity supporting vulnerable and elderly people and I am regularly being cut off during phone calls using my ID mobile SIM.  


I will be mid way through a conversation and suddenly hear three beeps and hear a recorded message saying “sorry your service does not allow access to this number”


I have turned off WIFI calling as I thought that might be causing the issue but it’s still happening!  I know the phone is fine as it works with other SIMS. 


I have resorted to using my personal phone as I cannot trust the ID SIM mobile but I need to get this resolved.


Please help me to resolve this someone?


Best answer by Kieran C 31 August 2020, 12:47

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Userlevel 6
Badge +8

Hi @Lisa Wolff, is it a chargeable number? Also, do you have a cap set on your account at all? 



Userlevel 2


Hi @Lisa Wolff, is it a chargeable number? Also, do you have a cap set on your account at all? 



Hi Will

Thank you for replying.  It’s a £6 monthly sim, unlimited call and texts.  I set a cap for data but that's because i never use the data as the phone is always connected to my my Wifi but I have never used it for the internet.  Although it did start off making WIFI calls, as I mentioned above, I turned this feature off when I realised it was activated but it drops calls both on WIFI and cellular.

Hoping you can help because I make a lot of calls whereby I am put through to professionals time after time and am not privy to their number and when the phone drops the call, I have no way of ringing them back!


Many thanks


Userlevel 6
Badge +8

We’ll do our best to assist @Lisa Wolff.


So the number you’re calling, is this like a Switchboard number, and then you’re passed through to someone else? If that’s the case, at what stage is the calling cutting off? Is there any consistency with how long the calls are lasting, or at which stage during the call that it ends?



Userlevel 2

We’ll do our best to assist @Lisa Wolff.


So the number you’re calling, is this like a Switchboard number, and then you’re passed through to someone else? If that’s the case, at what stage is the calling cutting off? Is there any consistency with how long the calls are lasting, or at which stage during the call that it ends?



No consistency at all will. It hasn’t dropped today but they have been shorter calls today and I haven't used the phone as much.

It is all sorts of number - private landlines / mobiles / businesses - there is no rhyme nor reason to the drop outs.

Sometimes it is when i have been talking to the same person for a long time.

Sometimes it is when i have been talking to the same person for a short time.

It has never dropped whilst I am being put through.



Userlevel 2

Actually Will, Its just dropped a call I was on :(  I was speaking to him for 34 minutes and for no reason the call dropped out!

Userlevel 6
Badge +8

Thanks @Lisa Wolff,


I’ll drop you a Private Message now so we can some more specific details and get this logged with our Tech Team for you.



Userlevel 1



I’m having the same problem, can you resolve please

Also having the same issue. Can't make a very important call. 

I have exactly the same problem. It is intermittent. I have plenty of minutes left on my call plan. 

Please can you resolve this. It is very frustrating especially if you have been in a call queue for ages to have the call cut off. 

Userlevel 2

GRRRRRRR this has happened twice this morning. 

One landline

One mobile

Both private numbers

Not transferred to anyone

One call dropped 13 minutes in and the other dropped at 10 Minutes in.

It is becoming massively frustrating!!!

Userlevel 1

I started an additional thread of my own and was told to ‘turn off and back on again’

Seriously is that the extent of the a D.C. I’ve they can provide? I’ve only been with them since Feb and the service seems to be an utter joke. 
Looks like I’ll be ending my rolling contract and going to a more reliable provider!

Userlevel 1

*typo- should say advice *

Userlevel 2

I started an additional thread of my own and was told to ‘turn off and back on again’

Seriously is that the extent of the a D.C. I’ve they can provide? I’ve only been with them since Feb and the service seems to be an utter joke. 
Looks like I’ll be ending my rolling contract and going to a more reliable provider!

 Very frustrating Buster.  I turn my work phone on and off every day.  I can reassure you and others that this doesn’t help in any way.  

It’s obvious we aren’t the only people to experience this problem and I think they must have a faulty batch of SIMS or something?  My colleague is with them and has no issues?!



Userlevel 6
Badge +8

Hi @Buster2588,


Has anybody sent you a Private message regarding this yet?



Userlevel 1

Hi Will

No, I haven’t received any message. I have also been overcharged on my last bill. I have cancelled my direct debit until all of this is corrected.

Userlevel 6
Badge +8

Hi @Buster2588, I’d reconsider the cancelling of the direct debit, as it doesn’t do anything to solve the isse, and usually just results in more problems.


I’ll drop you a private message now so we can take a look for you.



Userlevel 1

Hi @Buster2588, I’d reconsider the cancelling of the direct debit, as it doesn’t do anything to solve the isse, and usually just results in more problems.


I’ll drop you a private message now so we can take a look for you.



Hi Will


The direct debit has already been cancelled. ID have overcharged me for a service that keeps cutting out, that’s doubly insulting as far as I’m concerned. It will get reinstated and paid when all problems are corrected. If not, your accounts department can have the inconvenience of chasing me for the payment, to compensate for the inconvenience you’ve caused me….and numerous other customers it seems.

Userlevel 6
Badge +8

Hi @Buster2588


It was just a bit of general advice speaking from experience. You should do what you feel comfortable with.



This has happened to me twice in the past 2 days. One was dialling a private landline (cut off after 25 min) and one to a customer service switchboard (after about 10 min). I have plenty of minutes left. What can I do?

Userlevel 1

Hi @Buster2588


It was just a bit of general advice speaking from experience. You should do what you feel comfortable with.



Hi Will

Can you respond to the private message I sent 4 hours ago please

Userlevel 4
Badge +9

Hi there @Buster2588 

I do believe Will is going through the PM’s currently.  So it shouldn’t be too long.

Getting the same exact error. It’s happened 3 times to me recently. Frustratingly, I just waited 40 minutes on hold only to be cut off with this very message. I found this post from Google - all recent posts from ID Mobile customers. Clearly, there is a general problem here. ID Mobile need to give information as to what the issue is, and when they intend to fix it.

Userlevel 6
Badge +9

Hi @williamsth,

It is disappointing to hear that you have this issue too. I have flagged this to our dedicated team who will look into this promptly.

In regards to your issue, we will PM you now to see what we can do to try and get this sorted.


My wife and I, both recent converts to ID Mobile, are both experiencing this same problem, can you please advise the fix in due course.



Userlevel 2

Same problem here, it only started doing it yesterday (Thursday 13 Aug)Auto voice chirps up and cuts the call. I only make calls to standard mobile numbers.