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About four weeks ago, both my and my wife’s phone stopped processing voice calls when at home or in the local area. We cannot call out: the phone says ‘Dialling’ but there’s no audible dial tone. People trying to call us will sometimes get a message saying we on another line.  If we are a few miles away, everything works fine.  I have looked for somewhere to log the fault with iD. I thought I had found somewhere but need to look again.

Perhaps your home location is within the Midlands area where Three UK (the iD network partner) have shutdown their 3G network, @Colbartram

Within this area, you’d probably need to use an iD approved handset, which had VoLTE capability.


Thanks andewhite. We’re in South Derbyshire about eight miles north of Tamworth.  I’m unclear as to VoLTE but the phone proclaims 4G as its preferred network. I’ve seen the network indicator - next to the signal strength triangle - start off illuminated 4G then greying out.  I just tried it again, and for about one second the 4G was illuminated alongside a strong signal indication but for that one second it also showed an exclamation mark next to the triangle. I haven’t researched that but I guess it wasn’t a good thing.  Meanwhile I managed to have a chat with an agent who said they are having problems with voice calls and she’s going to raise a ticket for my case.  Next time I’m a good distance away I’ll note whether it’s 3G or 4G that is being used.  It also seems happy with ‘H’ which I hadn’t heard of or noticed before.

Hopefully iD Mobile look at and resolve the issue recorded in your iD support ticket, @Colbartram


Hi @Colbartram,

Welcome to the Community!

I hope that you have managed to get in touch with the team regarding this.

I would advise checking out the article below:

If you still require assistance, please let us know.



I need help with incoming calls and unable to call out

I have just changed provider to ID mobile

@Colbartram Hi, I’m in South Derbyshire and have been having the same issue for the last 6 weeks! Customer service keep raising a ticket and say technical will be in touch but they never do! I’ve raised a complaint and had an email to call them, but when I call it cuts out after being on hold for 15 minutes! Everything was fine until 3G was switched off! I have an iPhone 15 so I should have no issue with VoLTE.

If you find a solution please advise as I feel like I’m banging my head against a brick wall!! 

@Colbartram Hi, I’m in South Derbyshire and have been having the same issue for the last 6 weeks! Customer service keep raising a ticket and say technical will be in touch but they never do! I’ve raised a complaint and had an email to call them, but when I call it cuts out after being on hold for 15 minutes! Everything was fine until 3G was switched off! I have an iPhone 15 so I should have no issue with VoLTE.

If you find a solution please advise as I feel like I’m banging my head against a brick wall!! 

Maybe this is an iPhone 15 issue, @Alison Carter.

What do Apple say about using their iPhone 15 with ONLY 4G and / or 5G network available? 

Not sure if this helps, but I think another forum member (with an iPhone) said they fixed this issue after they followed these steps:

  1. Turned OFF iMessage and FaceTime.
  2. Shutdown iPhone.
  3. Restarted iPhone.
  4. Turned ON iMessage and FaceTime.


@andewhite thanks but I’ve tried this! I’ve also tried my sim in two other phones and still no joy! My phone only works when I’m outside the 3G cut off area! 

@andewhite thanks but I’ve tried this! I’ve also tried my sim in two other phones and still no joy! My phone only works when I’m outside the 3G cut off area! 

Were the two other phones (that you tried in the 3G shutdown area) iPhone handsets, @Alison Carter


@andewhite no both android! 

Other than checking with Apple, and getting a replacement iD SIM card, not sure what else to suggest, @Alison Carter - sorry. 

@andewhite @Alison Carter 

Hi. I went to London today and the phone worked fine at Rugby and Milton Keynes (train stops) and London. It has 4G set as preferred mode and didn't display anything else.

On other occasions locally I've seen it display 4G momentarily but with an exclamation mark, followed by switching to the 'H' network.

This all points to the local 4G being unable to handle the voice calls, but appears to manage text messages. I wanted to test today away from home and will now try the email I was given.

Another guy in the village now has no signal at all with iD and just switched to another provider. By the way, I only just read that the coverage checker is just predicted coverage -it's not actually checked coverage. Huh.

Unfortunately @Colbartram, in my experience iD are very good value when everything works, but if not, just so incredibly frustrating. Never or slow in responding, and apparently woefully short of in-house technical expertise.

Hi @Sharon Docherty, @Alison Carter & @Colbartram 


Sorry to hear this, do you still require assistance with this?

Please let us know if so so we can get in touch.

We’ll be able to get in contact with you to assist here, or for a quicker service, we’d recommend using the Live Chat, Facebook or Twitter.


Hi all. I'm abroad at the moment and phone is working fine, but that may be because it has access to 3G. One aspect I hope to look into next week is whether or not Android 7 (which my phone is running) knows about Volte and is able to exploit 4G for voice traffic. I've noticed some forums mentioning that Volte is specifically referred to in the phone settings. In my Moto G4 it is not. The setting is 3G/4G with 4G preferred and some people think that's enough. I'm not so sure and want to try getting the phone to upgrade its Android. I don't even know if it's possible. I tried it from Budapest but got the response that it can only be done (attempted?) from the home network, which is fine. I'll post here with an update next week.

Hello again Tom and other customers. I have more information and an important question. My phone is Moto G4, running Android 7, and it appears this does not support VOLTE. So I either switch to O2 who will keep 3G for another year, but at twice what I am paying iD, or find a VOLTE enabled but basic Android phone. But my wife's phone is G4Plus which should have VOLTE. However it's not available in Settings. So, important question for Tom, how we check if the SIM is VOLTE enabled? I'm thinking the option may not be offered in Settings if the SIM (years old now) isn't enabled. The number is 07811 351998. Thanks Tom.

Hi @Colbartram 


Taking a look both the G4 and G4 Plus are not supported devices, therefore usage of an iD Mobile SIM card in these devices may incur issues, such as this.


We’d recommend using the SIM card(s) in supported devices.



Hello Tom and others.  I think I posted some days ago that - after someone posted that link to the approved devices - I bought two unused Samsung A21s. The Android software was vintage 2021 and it took a few hours to run all the updates but we now have usable phones. Thanks everyone who chipped in with suggestions.

Hi @Colbartram 


Glad to hear you’re up and running.


