
Can't find transaction number to transfer old number

Hi team i cant find my transaction number to convert to my old phone number


Best answer by WelshPaul 6 May 2022, 22:26

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I am having the same issue locating my transaction number. I can't find my welcome email. I joined in December. Please help 

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Hi @Ali Yousaf 


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Hi, I am also having the same issues as others here, I need my transaction number, I never received a welcome email from ID, it never went to the junk mailbox. I purchased through ID website. It seems a bit silly that you can only find this through the original email and not anywhere from logging into the account area. Like others above can you please get in touch with me so you can provide the transaction number as I currently can’t switch my old number to you without it. 

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Hi @166beads,

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I can't find my transaction number either its driving me mad my dad got the contract for me and he can't find a welcome email anywhere its stressing us all out 

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Abuu Hammaad,

Please let us know if you still require assistance with this and we can PM you.

Once you reply here we will PM you as soon as possible.



I’m also having this problem- have entered PAC code and transaction code and get same error

Hello again, I’ve entered the PAC number received from EE and both my old (EE) and new (ID) numbers. However, the transaction 9-digit number I received begins with 2 not a 4. I receive the same error that others have had. Can someone advise? Thanks!

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Hi @Mark6575 


We’ll shortly send you a Private Message to your Community account, so we can discuss your issue further. 


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@Tom / @Kash / @Mohammed can any of you help me with finding my transaction number? I am unable to find my welcome invitation as I am pretty sure I signed up with the wrong email (when I signed up for the contract).

Also when I go on the app on my iPhone it just takes me to the website asking for the transaction number. 


Thanks for any help you can offer!

Hi @lockedoutofphone you need one of the IDteam to get this for you. Was done within a day for me - great help!

Thanks for the clarification, here is hoping they see this ticket and have time to help me today.

Have a great Friday!

Userlevel 7
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Hi @lockedoutofphone 


We’ll shortly send you a Private Message to your Community account, so we can discuss your issue further. 


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