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I ordered my upgrade on Friday 4th and was delivered by DPD 2 dirty covid tests. I instantly knew this couldn't be my phone and I managed to catch the delivery driver who phoned his office and explained. The lady on the other end of the phone asked he take a photo and bring it back. He did this and I received an phone call email from the same lady to explain they were very sorry both they think the sorting hub had put the wrong barcode onto the wrong parcel. She said they have admitted liability and have informed ID mobile. I spend hours trying to speak to customer complaints who tell me they are investigating and won't help until completed. They couldn't hive me a timeframe and refused to help me any further. I have spoken to the online chat also and they won't even look into it or give any update.

I am at wits end with it all, I have already been billed for the new upgrade, I can't get a replacement or any sort of resolution, I am looking at other suppliers but I'd want to charge me to leave for an upgrade I haven't had.

Every time I'm told tomorrow it will be with you tomorrow is day 3. I have to book a day off as the delivery needs a signature or ID.

Please can anyone help. I don't want to waste more holiday and hours of my time trying to resolve an issue dpd have admitted they are at fault and I'd refuse to assist

Hi @MonkeyMann,

Have you been in touch with us already via a different team?

It takes 5 working days for DPD claims team to update us but it can be sooner on some occasions.

Let us know if you would like us to investigate further and we will look into it via Private Message.



Hi @MonkeyMann,

Have you been in touch with us already via a different team?

It takes 5 working days for DPD claims team to update us but it can be sooner on some occasions.

Let us know if you would like us to investigate further and we will look into it via Private Message.



I have pm you Kash

Hi @MonkeyMann, individual agents do not respond via Private Message, as all PM support is offered via a central iD Mobile account. We’ll shortly send you a Private Message to your Community account so we can discuss your issue further. To access your messages, click your profile picture in the top right hand corner and then click ‘Private Messages’.

Alternatively, if you are currently logged in, you can use the following link:

We’ll see you there.


Thank you,


Did you ever get a resolution to this? In a relatively similar situation, though the phone is fully "lost in the post" and Id have basically accused me of having the phone 

@Matt Prewitt,

Was the handset lost on the way to you by DPD?



@Kash I believe that is the only option yeah. But DPD deny this. The real issue is because the package had two items. A google nest and a phone. The phone was stolen from the package but the nest wasn't. So DPD have a package that they "delivered". 

@Matt Prewitt,

Have you already had this investigated with a team from iD Mobile or would you like us to check this out via Private Message?



@Kash The matter has been "investigated" already... I say "investiagated" but my last response included multiple incorrect statements that I never did or said but they refuse to relook at the mistakes they made in the investigation.

This is why I'm here looking for anyone in the same boat. As I don't know what I can do from here. I'm literally being accused of lying while being forced to pay for an item I don't have. 

Hi @Matt Prewitt, we’ll shortly send you a Private Message to your Community account so we can discuss your issue further. To access your messages, click your profile picture in the top right hand corner and then click ‘Private Messages’.

Alternatively, if you are currently logged in, you can use the following link:

We’ll see you there.


Thank you,
