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Messages, wrong and right numbers.

  • November 21, 2022
  • 9 replies

Community Member

I have recently changed to I'd mobile from 3.  All the pac code stuff was easy.  When text messages are sent, some get sent from the correct number, others get sent from the wrong number.  People who get the wrong number, always get that number.  People who get the right number, always get the right number.  All can reply to the text, even those that have received the wrong number.  Wrong number recipients can not ring the wrong number.  My daughter gets the wrong number, whilst her partner gets the right number.  Both are on Vodaphone and live together.  I have tried deleting contacts and recreating them.  The phone is determined to continue to send texts with the wrong number to certain people and the right number to others who always get the right number.  All stored numbers seem to be correct.  Any ideas?  

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iD Mobile Employee
  • iD Mobile Employee
  • 7820 replies
  • November 24, 2022



Are you on an iPhone or an Android?


If you’re on iPhone please try the following;


1) Turn off iMessage (Settings > Messages)
2) Restart your phone (by pressing and holding the on/off button)
3) Tap Settings > Phone > My Number and confirm that it is correct. 
4) If it is not correct, please enter the correct number
5) Turn iMessage back to On (Settings > Messages)
6) Finally, go to Settings > Messages > Send & Receive and see if the correct number is displayed under "Start new conversations from:"

If you are having issues with the above please retry with flight mode enabled and/or the SIM card removed.


If you’re on Android please try the following;


If you open your Messaging app and click Settings > Chat Features does it show the correct number?

If it shows the incorrect one, then head to: and you should be able to de-register the number. Once done, turn off the Chat Features and the phone.

Wait a few minutes and turn the device back on and re-enable Chat Features it should let you re-register/update to the correct number.


Let us know how you get on with their of these.



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  • November 24, 2022

Thank you Tom.  I am on a Samsung Android.  The chat feature shows the wrong number.  When I try to disable it, a code is evidently sent to the wrong number which I don't receive as it's the wrong number.  Going to try again tomorrow.  I think things started to lock-up and not work.

  • Platinum 
  • 12036 replies
  • November 24, 2022

Okay @BLUNDERBUS, the number shown in the chat features has been registered by Google on their servers. Google have linked that number to your Samsung handset.

I’d recommend you just TURN OFF the chat features in the Messages app on your handset.

Leave the chat features turned OFF, and your text messages will be seen as coming from the ‘right’ number.




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  • November 25, 2022

Thank you both Andy and Tom.  I switched off chat features and it has worked.  I had a fix where the wrong number recipients put the wrong number as the home number in contacts which worked but was a bit crude.  Luckily my daughter was lazy enough not to have instigated this fix, and switching off chat features worked for her.


  • Platinum 
  • 12036 replies
  • November 25, 2022

Yes @BLUNDERBUS, the chat features option in Google’s Messages app can be a minefield.

Google want people to use chat features but in some scenarios it just causes problems.

Hopefully mobile network operators can work with Google to fix issues like this.

Good luck @BLUNDERBUS.

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  • November 25, 2022

Yes, the other option was to wait for it to come out in the wash.  Hopefully this discussion will direct the administrators to the source of the problem.



iD Mobile Employee
  • iD Mobile Employee
  • 7962 replies
  • December 1, 2022


You can try turning it back on to test if you’ve not already.

I had a similar issue and it seems to be an issue with all networks.

It just takes time to update the number via Google.


  • New
  • 2 replies
  • February 17, 2023

I'm having the same issues and it is really frustrating. I've tried everything but whenever I send an sms to anyone with chat features enabled, it comes from my old number before I ported.

Additionally when I try to deregister the number with Google the verification sms doesn't even come through.

Would a replacement sim solve the problem?

iD Mobile Employee
  • iD Mobile Employee
  • 7962 replies
  • February 20, 2023

Hey @Keith13,

Google’s servers sometimes take a while to update. A similar issue happened to me also. This has nothing to do with the network sadly.

You can turn off Chat Features and texts should go through your normal number as per the port.

Then try in a few days turning it back on to see if this makes any difference. Sometimes it is the case of a few days/weeks to update.
