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Hi. Every time I try to complete my upgrade I am getting an internal server error 500.

I have cleared browser history and cache and it has not worked. Also attempted on 3 different devices.  Anyone have any ideas? 



I'm having exactly the same issue.  Hope someone can help.


Perhaps discuss your upgrade options with the iD sales team on 020 7139 1397, @Steven Presley @Karen Lawrence

The sales team are available between 9am - 6pm. 

Hey there @Steven Presley & @Karen Lawrence, welcome both to Community!


Please try the following:


  1. Via both the app and website
  2. Clearing cache/cookies on the browser
  3. Try different browsers
  4. Try via a different device

If still no luck, as kindly advised by @andewhite, you can call the sales team on the phone number provided above.


Thank you,


Here’s an idea @iD Mobile , maybe fix the issue!
