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Both my wife and I have idMobile accounts. We actually like the service so much that we want to get extra sims for our children.

Two days ago i ordered a sim and entered all the correct details. A couple of hours later I got email to say that the order had been cancelled as i had failed the security checks.

I called into CPW on the way home from work and the assistant did his best but was unable to solve the problem. I phoned 7777 and TBH was useless. Trien online chat and was told to phone 0800 sales number. The person who answered was better but the only suggestion was to call Experian to see if there was anything on mu credit file. So i signed up to see my credit report and have a perfect 999 out of 999!

Ok i thought let's see if my wife can order one so went through the order process carefully making sure everything was ok. Today she got the same email to say failed security check.

What is going on?
Hi @sraper

How long do you have your current contract? In order to apply for additional SIM with your details you need to successfully pay 6 bills first. All customer are allowed 2 SIM cards per holder so you can apply only for one additional SIM each. Bare in mind that when you will be able to apply you will need to create separate accounts with separate email addresses for your children.

Kind Regards
Thanks for the information. Good to know. i have only had mine for three months but the wife has had hers for nearly a year and was still refused.
Did she applied for one or two plans at the same time? Did you guys check her credit status as well or just yours?
Hi there @sraper and welcome to the iD Mobile Community here.

First and foremost, we're terribly sorry for the ordeal you've had with trying to get more iD Mobile into your home.

@Hikari is correct with the fact that you would generally need to have paid 6 months of bills with us before we'd potentially allow for a second account in your own name.

We have passed feedback on in the past regarding the wording of those automated emails that can cause confusion (in regards to thinking it's a credit score issue). Though it's difficult to route out the direct cause of any particular rejection, and those emails are generally informative and correct far more often than not.

Regarding your wife's attempt though. Has she been able to try ordering just 1 extra SIM in her own name and details?

It was just the one extra sim but i must admit after checking her account it appears she has only been with idMobile for 6 months so it maybe that i need to wait a little longer.

Only 2 sim cards per person seems rather restrictive for a family!
We hear you @sraper, and you've gotta believe it's not in our best interests to turn away any loyal or supportive customers. It's more just a blanket precaution to try to prevent things like fraud or other potential difficulties. You could try seeing if our Sales Team can help ahead of your next attempt though. They might be able to provide more details on the phone as to what (if any) barriers are in the way 0800 049 0250
It was the sales team that suggested i look at my credit report
Hello @sraper,

Sorry to hear that. We wouldn't expect your credit report to be of an issue here for a failed security check. As it's been clarified above what may have caused this.

We apologise for any inconvenience that may have been caused!

I have just applied for a sim and within a few hours i have been declined internal security checks? I have no idea why this is...My credit rating is impeccable.

Can someone please help me.
Hi DaniT,

Your credit rating does not have an impact on the internal security check. This is something that is in place to ensure orders are completed accurately.

You're able to apply again after 30 days and we'd recommend you check that your bank and card have the same registered address as you are providing to us.


Just a further update i have tried again to order a second sim in my name and again it has been rejected due to internal security checks.!

I have had my existing account for way more than 6 months now. 

What is the problem? Are you actually allowed to have more than two sims at the same physical address connected to the same bank account?

I have one sim in my name and my wife has one in her name but we share the one current account.


All i want is one more sim in either my name or her name from the same bank account to give to my daughter

Hi @sraper,

We generally allow two SIM card contracts per person. We would advise contacting our Sales Team on 0800 049 0250 so they can look into your order further. 


I’m in the same boat, quite frankly it is absurd and no way to treat customers new and old. I will be leaving in 24 months when the contract expires and not returning. My wife has already given up and paid more to use Vodafone, but at least they want her and value her business! The savings being offered are not worth this level of inconvenience and stress. WHICH recommended indeed, I shall let them now what has happened too. Sort yourselves out please!

Hi @rustinggently,


It’s not that we don’t value customers, it’s just that we have a few steps in place to protect them from fraud. We’re sorry if that has caused you or your wife any inconvenience.



Hi Will,

I still don’t accept that your companies actions were correct. An outright rejection because of potential fraud is absurd. Why not follow up enquiries to ascertain if it is actually fraud or not? By failing to do that you leave people confused, irritated or down right angry (I’ve been through all three!).

Not only have these actions caused a customer to be rejected, it appears a day later you opened an account and instructed CPWH to send a phone. 

Because of the initial rejection another network supplier was chosen with the help of CPWH, so guess what...2 phones turned up in the next day delivery!

We have now faced a long drive to our nearest dpd drop off point to return a phone and face having to cancel a phone service for this returned phone!

Please explain the ‘value’ in that debacle! You have exposed yourselves to ridicule and strong condemnation and it is well deserved!!!


PS having re read your initial reply I might add I find it conceited and borderline sarcastic. Root and branch reform needed!

Hi @rustinggently, I’m really sorry to hear about the experience you’ve had with our ordering system. The truth is, none of us on the team here have, or can gain, visibility on how the Internal Security Check actually works. I appreciate your suggestion of follow-up enquiries, but it seems whomever designed the system deemed this unfeasible for whatever reason, possibly due to the sheer number of orders we receive. It may also be a safety-first approach to simply throw the baby out with the bathwater, so to speak. I appreciate this isn’t ideal from your perspective, but the people in charge of security and fraud prevention at our company have deemed it the best and safest solution, and it does seem to work as intended; we receive very few reports of fraud.


Thank you,


Hi DaniT,
Your credit rating does not have an impact on the internal security check. This is something that is in place to ensure orders are completed accurately.

You're able to apply again after 30 days and we'd recommend you check that your bank and card have the same registered address as you are providing to us.

You really expect people to wait 30 days and try again? There are some who can’t wait that long and be without a phone. It’s a joke. You advertise and then reject orders with no explanation given. Sounds like you’re playing hide and seek with us. What kind of business is this? 


All pay monthly contracts are subject to credit and internal security checks. If the check has failed, we can only advise you trying again in 30 days time as a precautionary. You are more than welcome to try sooner however the outcome is more likely to be the same.


The point is that You failed to provide me with a valid explanation behind failing of internL Security. They all say our system does not provide specific reason. My credit score is 999 so it can’t be credit check. Anyway. Now I know to never recommend IDmobile to anyone.  Thank you for a great experience. 


We can not provide the exact reasons why customers would fail internal security checks. However, one of the reasons we have seen customers failing the internal security checks is making payment for the phone from a Card that is not registered to the same address as your ordering the phone to. There can be various other reasons, however, we would be unable to advise on this. We understand this is frustrating for you on your end, but we can only apologise for the inconvenience caused.


I have checked with the bank.  They hold the correct address which is same as delivery address.  


Something else may have triggered the failure in that case. We apologise again that we cannot look into this any further for you.
