Update: this is ridiculous iD support!
Me- “Can i have an update of my issue my ported number has not been added onto my account and is currently dead.”
Upon looking into your account the tech team are still looking into your query
Me - “How can this be it’s been days”
I hear you, they are stating they are looking into the matter there isn't an update yet since the trouble ticket was raised this morning.
Me - “You said a ticket was raised days ago”
I do see that one was raised on 07/02/2024, however, a new one was raised this morning, meaning two have been raised so far.
ME - “you guys said you was going to email technical department to find out what was happening”.
Yes, I do see that an email has been sent out to the second line team however, we are awaiting on their feedback.
ME - “So why are you telling me i need a new sim card if the technical department has not got back to you”
That is the feedback we have so far "Hi team, we are looking into query as it seems the number the customer wants to keep is not linked to their account. Please send the customer a blank replacement in the meantime."
How is raising two tickets then telling me “it’s only just been raised” helping! And they are saying a new sim card will solve the issue….It’s an account problem they even admitted it was an account problem how is a sim going to fix the fact that my account still has the old number on it! It’s clearly delay tactic as the new sim will be sent in the post and i will have to wait more days!
I just want my ported number to be added onto my account yet they can’t work this out…..Why does it feel support are lying to me every time i talk to them i’m just going around in circles.
I will have to log a complaint tomorrow morning i’m not waiting anymore.😤