I'm in Thailand on holiday and have got a local SIM for most use, but need to get texts on my ID for verification etc. I've done this before with other providers no issue so didn't think there'd be any problems.
I've got both SIMs in the phone. Local one is fine but the ID one seems to not even turn on correctly, never mind get network. I tried switching the slots each SIM was in, tried without the local SIM, tried rebooting etc.
So now I guess either my ID SIM is corrupt, or there's an issue with my account that means the SIM won't even try. I read here it might need a higher rate cap set than I usually have, which I think is only £10.
However, I can't get into my account to check because I had to update the app and now need to get a text to my ID to verify, and also can't try the website directly as it's blocked from Thailand!
Any ideas or am I just stuck unable to get any verification texts until I get home?