
Keep number with Sim Only Upgrade

  • 25 January 2021
  • 3 replies

I upgraded my ID Mobile Sim Only plan recently another ID Mobile Sim Only.

A new SIM has arrived, but if I put it in my phone - will I keep my old number? The website suggested I would.

How do I keep my current mobile number?


Best answer by Will 6 February 2021, 10:39

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3 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +9

Hi @Armorrison,

When upgrading, the phone number will stay the same automatically so you will be fine to use the new SIM card; this is often issued to ensure you have the right sized SIM card in case you have changed your phone. If the new SIM card does not work, log into your account to activate it. 🙂


Hi @Ryan

I have put the new SIM card into my current phone, and I've texted another phone and it shows that my number has changed.


How do I get it to keep my former number? I need it for work to be the same.


It says I've already activated my card.

Userlevel 6
Badge +8

Hi @Armorrison 


It sounds to me that a new line has been submitted rather than an upgrade.


We’ll send you a Private Message now to take a look at what’s gone on and put things right.

