Here’s everything you need to know about refunds at iD Mobile:
I’ve returned an order. How long does it take to get a refund?
Once we receive your return, you’ll receive a refund within 7 working days. Don’t forget, you’ll have to pay for any line rental, usage, and additional purchases, such as add-ons, accrued up to the point of disconnection.
How do I get a refund after I've disconnected?
If your Direct Debit is still active, we'll automatically refund you any credit that might be left on your account after you’ve disconnected. We’ll email you to let you know once the refund has been issued, and you should receive it within 7 working days from then. If you don’t have an active Direct Debit and think you’re due a refund, speak to us on Live Chat and one of our helpful advisors will look into it for you.
Please note: Your refund can take between 28 and 32 days to process.