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I have an unlimited data plan for the UK so no need to check the amount of data I have used. In roaming in France for a few weeks and I am aware there is a fair usage limit of 30GB. I cannot see on the app what amount of roaming data I have used. Is there a way of checking this either in the app on website?

Hi there @GrahamU55, welcome to Community!


I don’t believe this is something we show on the app in terms of roaming usage whilst abroad I’m afraid. However, you’ll know when you’re close to your limit, as you'll receive a text when you’ve used 80% of the 30GB limit, and also a further text when you 100% reach the limit.


Thank you,


Can I ask that this is a consideration. For example Smarty do show the roaming data usage. It is handy if you are roaming and need to know what you have left so you can make a plan for use of maybe other WiFi sources 

Hi @GrahamU55 


We’ll raise the want for this feature to the team, however wouldn’t be able to confirm it’s inclusion in the app/website.



I’ve been looking for the same thing. This would be a useful feature and since it’s something you measure, you should be able to share it with us. 

I would also like to request this feature - given the 30GB limit, potentially being told when I am 80% of the way through is possibly too late to manage the data I n ed to use (I have data needs for work on occasion so must keep some in reserve depending on what's happening).  

Is it possible to request the current amount of roaming data usage in another way (rather than through the app)?

Hey there @ebog & @chromoweb, thank you also for this feedback, and we certainly will take this on-board and are always looking for ways to improve.


Our customer services can check your data usage for the month in general, but won’t be able to calculate the amount of data usage used in total abroad.


You would receive a text when you’ve used up 80% of your roaming data, and also 100%, so it’s safe to say you’re able to use data normally until you receive these, and then of course decide if you want to be more cautious with your remaining data usage or not. Of course, you can always use extra if you’re happy to pay extra.



