The charges for usage while outside of an inclusive zone or over your 30GB fair usage data limit can be found here. It is in GBP, I’m not sure what you’re referring to when you say it isn’t, that’s wrong, it is shown.
If you wish to have a follow up to your complaint, please call the complaints team on 0800 049 2402 or 0800 049 1300.
Making multiple posts here about the same thing will not progress your case, please continue with the complaints team.
ID mobile left me stranded for 2 weeks, from 27/5/24 to 10/6/24 I could not access my datas.
The vulnerable customer team is clueless.
It only returned on the 11/6/24 because i mentioned the ombusman
Unfortunatly my complaint is still open. I am furious nobody at ID mobile has responded to my emails and ignoring my complaint.
From 27/5/24 to 10/6/24 the ID mobile vulnerable customers team managed to charge me £10 X 2 on add-on, an "credit” advice supposely to help but instead cost me, £20. I was told later that add on are worthless when roaming as well it would be refunded but this is not the case.
When i call to hear my balance ID mobile demand £20 so NO refund. The cap was also increased multiple times by £ 2 and £10 during this time but i have no idea what id have charged me.
Now my roaming data is back but same story, I dare to wonder why ID mobile is so opaque about their charges, specially when you are vulnerable.
ID app /online account is flawed and there is no way to know what ID mobile charged. Even my previous bill stopped at the 5/5/24 when it should show until the 17/5. I ask for details biling of this bill multiple times on chat, complaints team, vulnerable teams, no response. I also asked for details billing from 27/5/24 to 10/6/24 when i did have no data and ID mobile alledged i run out, charging me each time what they want and no sending details billing.
I contacted the complaint team as they ask me to contact them once. After another lenghtly call and no result, there were no follow up.
from 27/5/24 to 10/6/24 ID mobile has caused me much distress, i spend hours calling, chat, email and as well to overcharged me more than £30, no refund, no compensation, no explanations and excuses.
Still it continue here, ID mobile teams continue to offer clueless response, only chat up line like this to contact VT and call CT, and wasting my time and adding more stress.
My complaint is still open and has not been followed up and responded by email.
What the point the complaints Team do not followed complaints.
I got one phone call two months ago from the complaint team but it was never follow up
There are very difficult to understand anyway over the phone. So as a vulnerable customer, phone calls are far too dfficult and not accessible for me anymore.
Any of my emails to my complaint reference 412173055 have not be responded.
The charges for usage while outside of an inclusive zone or over your 30GB fair usage data limit can be found here. It is in GBP, I’m not sure what you’re referring to when you say it isn’t, that’s wrong, it is shown.
If you wish to have a follow up to your complaint, please call the complaints team on 0800 049 2402 or 0800 049 1300.
Making multiple posts here about the same thing will not progress your case, please continue with the complaints team.