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Being disabled and in my 70's I am registered with iD mobile as a vulnerable customer. I have been with iD for 13 years on a monthly contract without issue. Last Wednesday I stopped being able to make and receive calls. I can still send and receive texts and access the Internet.


I phoned the vulnerable person helpline and reported the issue and was told I would be contacted in 24 hours. No contact was made. The following day I spoke to a different person who said I should have been told 48 hours for contact to be made although even that time scale has passed without contact being made.

The second person said they would send me a new SIM card as mine was 7 years old but said in the meantime as it was urgent I could collect one free of charge from Curry's which I did yesterday. The SIM card was replaced and registered and I duly received two emails confirming it was good to go.

Unfortunately it wasn't. My phone is in perfect working order and the SIM's from four friends phones who use other companies work fine in my phone but the iD SIM will also not work in any of their phones.

In desperation I went to a local phone dealer this morning and he tells me that since last Wednesday I am the 7th customer to go in with iD issues about calls.

Clearly iD has an issue but is not taking care of its customers.

Regards Derek


Hi @Sandgrown,

Welcome to the Community!

I can see that you have advised that you have already contacted the Vulnerable Customer Team.

I would advise that you contact the team again as they are a dedicated team.

If you would like us to PM you here, please let us know.


