
App buttons not working

  • 10 June 2024
  • 2 replies

Hi, the “View Previous Bills” & “Upgrade now” “View all upgrade plans” buttons are not working in the ID App. 

Any resolutions ? 

Additionally, who’s idea was it on the coding team to have the Face ID launch Everytime re-enter the app?! 

2 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +5

Hey there @Garros, welcome to Community!


What happens when you click these buttons please? Could you send some screenshots?


Have you also tried via both the website and app?


We’re sorry you feel that way about the Face-ID feature, and we’ll certainly take the feedback on-board.


Kind regards,


Hello, as explained nothing happeneds. There is a slight colour changed as the buttons are tapped, as response, but nothing happens when I select the buttons. 

On the website however, they work no problem. 
