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What do I do if I can’t access my ID Mobile account, app and website because I can’t access the email linked to my account?


Basically, I got logged out of the Id mobile app & tried to login but it keeps making me re register. 

It’s fine until I get to the check email for code part because I don’t have any access to the email linked to my id mobile account therefore have no means of logging in, have tried re registering but can’t with my details & number as they are linked to that email that I can’t access whatsoever. I’ve tried gmail recovery and it’s completely locked off as I dont know the password to that email, no idea what to do can’t access the app to upgrade my phone. As it keeps asking me to put in the code from the email that I can’t login to access.

Morning @Claire Allison,

I’ve requested for your Mobile Number to be unlinked from the app. Once complete, I’ll let you know, and you’ll be able to reregister using a new email address.


I'm having the same problem. How can I speak to someone. I need to know whether I can get a new phone or I need to fix my broken one. I cannot access email at all or my text messages

Morning @Gemma Ellison,

Looks like there’s a pending upgrade this morning? Please let me know me know if you managed to process it successfully.

