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Had to update  the ID app and now receiving "Sorry, your details do not match our records." message. Same issue on phone and PC. Received an email saying “Hi XXXXX,
Great news - your iD Mobile online account has been created! To get started, simply log in and follow the steps to add your plan. Thanks, The iD Mobile Team” Followed the steps and it’s not working. Please sort.



Hey there @warmstrong99, Welcome to Community! Our apologies for the late reply, we’re very busy on community at the moment.


Have you manged to login yet?


If not, please ensure you’re using the same email address you used to register, and if not, it may be that you’re not registered yet, so may need to try re-registering.


Thank you,


Finally sorted by ID Support - Can actively access mobile and pc apps.

Hi @warmstrong99,

Glad to hear that it is resolved.

Please get back to us if you require further assistance.


